Tomorrow is Colombia's equivalent of Valentine's Day. It's a day to celebrate love and friendship. In honor of this special day, the pilates studio I go to in Cartagena had a special Friday class at 6:45 in the morn. The class was broke into 3 sections with yoga in the courtyard, pilates on the reformer, and cardio.
I don't get out too much at this time of day {only when I am leaving the country to be exact}.
I enjoyed how quiet the city was at this time of day... less people and cabs honking for no particular reason.
However the heat was still brutal. Within 5 minutes of yoga outside my face was dripping.
Not pretty.
While at the store I spotted this
soy milk...
It's made in the US and it's worth a try in between my almond milk runs. I haven't tried it yet though. I needed to let it cool in the fridge for at least 24 hours before placing it on cereal. It helps me to block out the fact that I bought milk warm, on a shelf, in a non-refrigerated section of the store.
{buying warm milk totally reminds me of my college roommate, Casie. She had an absolute phobia of warm milk... to the extent where she was concerned about the amount of time from grocery store to fridge affecting the milk}
I had a few internet problems today which allowed me to finish my little embroidery gig
two little embroidered pillows, sitting on the guest bed, just waiting for our next guests...
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