September 30, 2011

Friday Randomness

This morning I attended a meeting about a volunteer opportunity at a foundation in Cartagena. From what I gathered they provide services to children and families in the area who are living in poverty. They have a recognized school on site that children can attend from age 1 to 18. They also provide adult educational classes that are skill based, including cosmetology, culinary, and fasion design, to name a few. I wish I would have thought to bring my camera and take pictures of their facility and all they have to offer. The ninos {children} were so adorable. We went around to the different classrooms and they would run up and hug you. {Be still my beating heart.} I tried to put a few little boys in my pocket to take home, but unfortunately I came home solo. It was a great opportunity to learn about some ways to get involved in the community. It definitely made me miss working with my little darlings in Beaumont, but I am excited about getting involved in this organization. My teaching skills will come in quite handy and once I  get this whole 'Spanish' thing down the counseling will as well.

Each day, at around the same time in the afternoon, these helicopters fly right by our apartment. I've thought about trying to get a picture of them as they fly by. The other day one, literally, hung out right in front of my balcony. It was like he was taunting me...'You know you want a picture. This is the perfect opportunity.'  I made a run for the camera, and this is what I got.
Here he is again.

The latest project I've been working on is a photo gallery wall to hang many pictures of loved ones and memories. It is a work in progress. Once I got the frames purchased and figured out a layout I liked, I created a sort of 'outline' on paper of how the frames would go on the wall. Then I needed help. From Matt. And since our color block canvas art proved difficult to hang {these walls are strange} he McGyver'd/engineered some plan to use those wall hanger thingy mabobs that stick, instead of using nails. Which required me to McGyver some wire hangers on the back of the frames. Before the wire hangers I painted all the frames {go figure.} The guest room is currently being used as a trial run for this system.
When I purchased the frames they were a light oak-y color...
{they look much lighter than this in Colombian life}
I wanted them darker.
More to come on project picture wall.
{FYI: A helicopter just flew by}

Halloween is coming up. Many of you know that means the McQuinn's get a little competitive and dual it out for the title of Pumpkin Carving Champion. No pumpkins in Colombia. However, we are going to be stateside during Halloween season. Which means we will be carving some American pumpkins.
And Bella will be wearing this:
Picture 2
Stop. Is that not the cutest dinosaur you've ever seen? As a child Matt was obsessed with dinosaurs. And now he has the closest thing to a real one to play with.

Folks, in one week, right this very moment, Matt and I will be in a plane from Panama to Houston, Texas, with our final destination being Des Moines, Iowa. A week later we head over to Knoxville.
We are thrilled about our upcoming travels. I am so excited for Matt to get some time off to relax. And to see his face when we land in America.
My guess is it will be the same expression he had as a child when he saw a dinosaur.

Happy Friday.

September 27, 2011

One Bruised Ego

I guess you could say life in Cartagena is becoming a little more settled. With Matt's NFL Sunday Ticket to keep him busy, our weekend adventures have been less eventful. But hey, that's life, right? So I thought I would share the random updates/happenings around this Colombian household.

The most important being:

* Bella
She is currently not in recovery, because she didn't have surgery. I made sure Magic Jack and myself were up and waiting on Monday morning to get any updates regarding the Boxer and the ACL. I received a call that we needed to make a decision. The surgeon confirmed that there was a tear in the ACL, but that her knee had not slid forward {apparently this happens if the ligament is severed completely} and she did not require surgery at this time. We still had the option to go ahead if we so desired. Then the doc explained, in detailed fashion, the extent of the surgery and recovery process. Surgery: Intense. Recovery: First 2 weeks, drugged up, in a kennel or on a leash. That's it.  The following 6-8 weeks. No drugs. In a kennel or on a leash. No jumping, running, stairs, playing with other dogs, etc. That's rough. Not to mention that we are visiting the Easy Breezy Beautiful Bella Girl in about 3 weeks, Matt's first reunion with her since March. The idea that we couldn't take her for walks, run in the backyard, snuggle, and yes, even sleep with her made us sad. I even began wondering if she would still be her easy, breezy, beautiful self after a surgery like that. With that said, for now, we are waiting.

*Rainy Season
We've heard a lot about this rainy season that Cartagena sees in October-November. While we are not in the thick of it yet, it has rained more since I arrived back from my USAdventure than it did the entire time before. Can I tell you something? I kinda like it. I like a good rain storm and they are beautiful here. Additionally these rains provide somewhat of a weather change, which feels mighty nice. Did I mention I prefer this all while I am inside? Matt and I went out on Saturday afternoon and walked through standing water, used our umbrellas to shield us from the blowing rains, and changed our clothes when we returned home. 
I may have a slight fear of getting stalled in the water in a taxi. While in Texas I attempted to drive through some standing water on an underpass of the interstate and my car died. I cried. A lot. And didn't know what to do. Until some nice boys in rain gear that worked at the boat store near me came and pulled me out. Several people after me got stuck as well. They decided it was enough work to get me out that they were not doing it for anyone else. Did I mention this happened in the G6?
It goes from such a gloomy place, right back to this...

Here we are.

Today I went to the HomeCenter to buy a light bulb, but I found a lot more than that. Not only were there Christmas trees, but a whole lot of Christmas decor. Ornaments, stockings, lights, Santa's, garland, platters. This made me very happy, but I exercised restraint. After all, it is September. 

*3 Chairs
Our dining room table currently has three chairs at it. That's odd? What happened to the 4th one? That's what your thinking right? Ready for it? I broke it. Yep, one night at dinner I was sitting in the chair telling Matt a story and the next thing I knew I was sitting on my fanny on the floor crying. Not because it hurt. Because my ego was bruised. Like Black & Blue. Severely. I was coming right off my American vacay and knew I consumed a few extra calories, but not chair breaking kinds of calories. 
Matt explained that he noticed one of the chairs was wobbly and was missing a main bolt. So in his infinite wisdom, he moved that chair to my spot {I've literally ate every meal in the same spot}. Although a bolt is to blame, my ego's not buying it.

Oh, the chair? Still broken. Like my ego.

September 23, 2011

Fútbol Americano

I couldn't visit Tennessee in the fall without attending a Vols football game. It has become a bit of tradition for Dad and I. And although I have no allegiance to the University of Tennessee and I've never officially called Knoxville home, there is something fabulous about these football games.
The entire city is made of football fans. Each day leading up to the kick off of the season I saw signs at businesses advertising the number of days left until it was 'Football Time in Tennessee'.
{and I think my dad reminded me at least once a day of the countdown}
It's incredible to be at a college football game with 100,000 other people of all ages, in the same crazy orange color, singing the most random, yet catchy song dozens of times.
It is a far different than my football college experiences... Seriously. I spent more time in the parking lot than I did in the stadium, no offense Cyclones.
Check out Coach Dooley's orange game day pants. Stop.. I loved it.
Did you spot the orange pants again?
Well that concludes my USAdventure. So it's back to posting about our Colombian lifestyle and the things I do to keep myself occupied.
For a few weeks, anyway. Matt and I are Iowa bound on October 7th. Somehow, just as I come down from my American high, I am going to get another good dose of loved ones, Target, Panera, and the Bella.
{Update:  Bella is going to the surgeon Monday and if he confirms that her ACL is the issue he will do the surgery the same day. My sweet B.}

One more time for the pants

Happy Friday.

September 20, 2011

a history lesson.

While a lot of my time in Tennessee was filled with dogs and water, I did manage to take in a few of the historic venues that the area has to offer.

Each year Knoxville celebrates Labor Day with their Annual Boomsday Celebration. It boasts itself as the largest Labor Day firework show in the Nation. And with 400,000 people, I believe it. As you can imagine, 400,000 peeps in one place is a crowd, which means trouble getting seats and parking. To alleviate that headache, my parents {who learned their lesson from previous Boomsday experiences} secured tickets to a more intimate setting. The Mabry-Hazen House celebrates Boomsday with 200 people, a live band, a dinner with BYOB privileges, and a tour of the historic home. This home was built in 1858 and housed three very dramatic generations. The tour included stories of the Civil War, a gunfight in downtown Knoxville, and a Breach of Promise lawsuit in the 1930's after a man promised to marry a young lady and backed out. ouch.
I must say, it is quite an incredible fireworks display. Tennessee lacked a lot of rain this summer and of course all that changed the day of Boomsday. Fortunately, the rain let up just in time to enjoy the fireworks.

We also made a trip over to Asheville, North Carolina to visit the Biltmore: America's Largest Home.
Can I just say how much I love this tourist attraction?
This home has 250 rooms, 43 bathrooms, and 65 fireplaces. It is absolutely gorgeous. And it was built in 1895 by
George Washington Vanderbilt {relation to Anderson Cooper... just another reason to love that Silver Fox}
It is stunning. Truly.
Inside and out.
Did I mention it also has a bowling alley and an indoor pool? 1895 people. Insanity.
Unfortunately, you can't take pictures inside so all you will see is the out.
Unless, of course, you stop when you're in Asheville.
Which I highly recommend.
The expansive grounds were designed by the creator of Central Park. Gorg. Can you imagine that view each morning?
I'm a sucker for the details.
The first time I ever visited The Biltmore it was decorated for Christmas. Incredibly gorgeously, I might add. Yes, I said incredibly gorgeously. Complete with the largest Christmas tree I have ever seen in my life, inside the home. was real. {Sidenote: Did I mention that this weekend at the mall I saw Christmas trees for sale? Not my traditional Fraser Fir, but a tree with branches to decorate. Just got a little more excited for our Cartagena Christmas!}
However, during our Christmas visit the gardens weren't open. No words. Just pictures.

If the pictures didn't entice you to visit, did I mention there is a winery?

September 19, 2011

According to Dad...

Question: What makes a photographer a professional?

{You're probably thinking someone who gets paid for their photos....}

According to my dad, it is when your photos are published.
It is a valid point.

Therefore, 'according to him', I am now a professional...

IF Battery Backup PC Lola KNOXVILLE

My dad used a picture I took of Lola {my parents very photogenic dog} in an advertisement/flier for their Invisible Fence business.

I will admit. I smiled when I saw it.

Now you will have to excuse me...

I'm off to go update my resume.

September 18, 2011

A to the C to the L

It has been nearly a week since I returned from North America and I am getting back into my South American routine. While I was gone Matt developed a new Sunday routine, which includes a lot of football. It creates a feeling of comfort here {to hear him yelling at the television in between the English commercials from America. Seriously. This makes us happy.} although it doesn't look or feel the way I expect it to when football season rolls around. I am definitely going through some severe fall withdrawal.
But the stars aligned, quite literally, and while I make this post I have the pleasure of watching the Emmy Awards, in English, with no subtitles. Thank You Universe.
Speaking of stars aligning and the universe taking care of me, did I mention that I get to return to North America in 3 weeks.... With the hubs. Yep.
But I am getting a bit ahead of myself and need to back up and share another installment of my USAdventure.
{Warning: This is going to be a lot of dogs}
But first, more pictures of the Pour House.
I told you I spent a lot of time there
{and thoroughly enjoyed every minute}
I also enjoyed a Starbucks latte or two or three.
{i love her. and I told you there was going to be a lotta dogs. not done yet}
I've got a few more pictures to share of both dogs & The Pour House, but first I need to get you up to speed.
About 2 years ago Bella had a play date with another boxer and soon afterward we noticed she seemed to be avoiding using her left hind leg. She would hold it up and not put pressure on it. I took her to the vet and was told that she probably played too hard and needed to take it easy for a while. From time to time we would notice it, but it she would quickly return back to her normal 4 stanced self and it never affected her ability to run & play.
While I was in Tennessee my family and I noticed that Bella appeared to be holding up her left leg again and at times even limping. My parents have a wonderful vet & friend that I was able to get Miss Bella to see. After Bella's visit to Dr. Sam in which she received some nice drugs and I received some x-rays, we found some good news and not so fabulous news.
This is Bella on drugs.
Half of my heart hurt for the poor doped out dog. The other half guitily giggled at her.
Good News: Bella's heart murmur is still a small murmur and is not causing any problems. Fabulous.
Not so Good News: Bella's got an ACL issue. It is likely that she has a tear in her ACL and this will continue to be an issue for our active midsize dog until she has surgery. In the x-rays it was visible that Bella's left hind leg muscle is much smaller than her right.
It was recommended that Bella try swimming to build her left leg muscle while not putting additional strain onto her knee. But Dr. Sam has seen her swim. Enough said.
We were determined to give it a go.... So a swimming we went.
She was in hell.
We actually did have her swim and not stay on a float the whole time. But when she wasn't on a float she had a pure panic attack and flailed about in the water... On the float she 'calmed down'.
Does she look calm?
After we finished swimming, Bella was quite proud of herself {I may have been pretty proud too}.
Her ego may have been inflated a teensy bit.
She strutted around the Pour House like a Billy Boxer Bad Ass.
Her mohawk even made an appearance...
After consulting Matt, we decided that we would go forth with the surgery. My wonderful parents are in the process of meeting with a surgeon to get his second opinion and then Bella will become a patient at the Schoenfelder house. And as a former frequent patient at the Schoenfelder house, I know she is in good hands...
...and paws.