November 30, 2016

November 2016

November was full of visitors and celebrations.

We kicked off the month with a visit from Papa & Grandma and the Wilkenings.
christmasoption2 (1)
My mom, her best friend Shawn, and daughter Tiffany traveled south for a girls weekend
and shopping trip to the Nutcracker Market.
The Nutcracker Market has become an annual occasion for my mother and I,
and we were so excited to share it with these girls!
Grandpa took over the SAHM duties for the day
and I was beyond thankful.
{we even stopped for a margarita on the way home... shhh}
He made lots of memories with the girls
and kept us laughing with his stories of the day.
If you ever run into him, ask him about his trip to Target...

We shopped {a lot}
ate {a lot}
enjoyed wine {a lot}
and laughed {a whole lot}

Next up, we welcomed Grandpa & Grandma McQuinn,
who made a special trip to visit and watch the girls
while Mom & Dad celebrated a belated 10 year anniversary trip to NYC.

We were thrilled to have Grandpa & Grandma stay to help us celebrate Thanksgiving.

And like the Texans we are,
we spent the rest of the month decorating for Christmas
and enjoying the 70 degree weather outside.

November 27, 2016

eleven months & 48 weeks


Eleven months.
I can't quite believe we're here already, yet I don't remember life without our Caroline.


At 11 months, Caroline...

... is a walker. She is up and all over the place. Her first steps were at about 10.5 months and the last couple weeks she hasn't stopped moving. We are all so impressed by her ability to get up and go from anywhere in the room and straight up from her knees. busy. She's a mover. She can be found trying to keep up with her sister or play with the 'big girl' toys. She prefers to walk around with something in her hand, sometimes it's the dress of a doll, sometimes its a plastic chicken leg. And with quickly found out she really likes the stairs. If the gate is open that little gal will be up those stairs in no time. Thankfully we have no accidents to report at this time.

... has 5 teeth and the 6th could be here by morning. At 11 months, her sister had zero.

... loves table food. She wants nothing to do with purees and most green vegetables. Which breaks my brussel sprout loving heart.

... loves her pink bunny, kisses and hugs all the dolls in the playroom, plays a mean game of peek-a-boo, wishes she could play all the things her sister plays, has the best toothy grin, and is my sweet snuggly girl. She is a hugger and the feeling of that head on my shoulder... that is one I hope I never forger.

November 25, 2016

weeks - 45,46,47

it's been weeks since my last post
this little girl has grown.




oh, she walks too.