May 31, 2010

3-day weekend

If Memorial Day Weekend, the start to summer, is any indication of the summer that lies ahead, ours if full of work and free-time is focused on house projects.

Our weekend started out with my fabulous husband escorting me to the movie of the season. That's right, Matt saw Sex and the City 2, opening weekend. Unfortunately, Matt had to work bright and early Saturday morning. Bella and I took care of our weekend errands awaiting his return, so our holiday weekend could truly begin.

Upon his return, we enjoyed a rare "cool" (a relative term) evening. We ate dinner outside, listened to some music, enjoyed some wine and spirits, and relaxed, with no where to be but right here.


A perfect relaxing summer evening is made up of the components above. A great read, a nice glass of wine, and bug spray so one can tolerate being outdoors. Matt and I recognized our Southeast Texas status, when we realized the smell of bug spray reminds of us summer, not sun tan lotion. (By the way, I am currently reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain". I am not finished, but it is already a must, especially if you are a dog owner or have a child of the dog species. By page 6, I was already becoming slightly emotional.... Matt quickly responded with, "Take a sip!", Sex and the City anyone?)


Recently Bella has taken up a new pastime. She has finally learned how to catch a frisbee and return it. (Okay, we are still working on the return, but you get the point) Matt and I are quite entertained by her "skillz"... each time she makes a catch, you would think it was the first by the cheers and round of applause she receives.


I will not bore you with all the details, but the rest of our weekend revolved around our house, preparing it for strangers to come look at it, and hopefully want to purchase it. We did some yard work and spent the majority of the weekend painting the trim. So that made for several trips to Home Depot, sweat, bug bites, sunburn, approximately 3 showers a day, getting a quote from professional painters to complete our project, and opening a well deserved bottle of vino...

(Isn't this bottle adorable? Texas Wine Country purchase, although this particular beauty was bottled in Cali at a sister winery)

As we continued working on our "to-do list" one member of a family found time for a little cool down. As a child I thoroughly enjoyed our crazy daisy (sprinkler + flower = childrens or dogs water toy). As we slaved away covered in paint, sweat, bug spray, and sun tan lotion, Bella cooled down.


Hope your three-day weekend was a beautiful beginning to the summer!


May 24, 2010

Summer Musts


(1) A prequel to Carrie's Manhattan Lifestyle... a perfect way to prepare for the big premiere (2) J Crew Minnies, a must have pant, trust me (3) Sex and the City II: the movie of the season... the only thing that would make me more excited to see this film would be meeting my girlfriends for cosmos before (4) Spin Pin, can be found at your local Target and the individual who engineered this piece of work deserves serious props... spin pin = 20 bobby pins. (5) Author of Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and other fabulous titles... I haven't read it yet, but I think it's safe to say its a go ahead and assume it will make a great summer read (6) Wedding Season is here! yay! (7) Mad Men. I don't know how many of you have had the opportunity to meet Don Draper, but he is pretty dreamy. Don will be back in my life July 25, so those of you who haven't met him, still have time to get to know him. I highly recommend it.

May 20, 2010

Summer in SETX

It's officially summer in South East Texas... we are already battling heat (80's and 90's in May?!?) and humidity, which means to enjoy being outdoors one must:
a. be poolside
b. spend a day at the beach
c. STAY within 100 feet of air conditioning

On a walk this week we had none of the above, and Bella wasn't down with that. Matt and I decided to take a nice leisurely stroll with B at the local park. I believe the most enjoyable part for her is truly the r-i-d-e.

So our walk began like so many do... Matt took the reins and Bella walked all over the place until she found a comfortable pace.

With the heat we came prepared to keep ourselves, but more importantly our baby boxer bella hydrated.

And then.

All of a sudden.

She was done.

Just like that our dog decided she had enough of the walking and wasn't going to take part in it anymore. She took a spot on the concrete, mid walk, mid sidewalk.
(obviously I found this hi-larious)


Summer 2010 is upon us, hope yours is off to a fabulous start!

May 16, 2010


Greetings and Welcome!

This blog is an attempt keep our lovely family and friends up to date on the everyday happenings of our lives (okay, maybe not everyday, but you get the point)

My "blogspiration" came from a weekly email that was received by family in order to share a highlight from our week in a series called, "Happy Friday"...(selfishly, this series also provided me the opportunity to hone in on my photography skills...Matt purchased me a NikonD3000 for Christmas. loves it, but I am a work in progress).

So as much fun as we had sending a weekly email, we soon realized a blog would be provide more of our loved ones with the low down from Texas (that is if they want the low down).

A few weeks ago our "Happy Friday" email included the following:

Yep, that's right. We're moving again.

Oh, where you ask?

We have no earthly idea.

Okay, we may have an idea, but at this point nothing is set in stone, but believe me, when we have news I will happily share! So, why are we selling our house when we don't know where our destination is and have no idea where we will lay our heads at night when this house sells. Well, this is our attempt to avoid any unnecessary stress (crazy,right?) The logic is to take care of the task and stress that comes with selling a home before we compound it with planning for a big move (i.e. out of state or out of country). So our goal is to put the house on the market next month. We are making progress on the to-do list and enjoying our time reminiscing about our first home, while we envision what the future has in store for us...

So please stop by as often as you wish, have a looksy, and enjoy taking a peek at our "Texan Lifestyle"