the london eye
September 30, 2012
September 29, 2012
September 28, 2012

I would love to know what he was thinking here...
maybe about our impending 10 hour flight
possibly about work and what he would come back to after two weeks
or perhaps about all the adventure that lay ahead
but surely he was not thinking about 'Macgyvering' an airsickness bag for his wife.
let me start from the beginning...
I have a history of carsickness.
As a child I was prone to a feeling of nausea as we traveled that lead to packing plastic bags just in case and open car windows to catch some fresh air.
While I no longer suffer from the carsickness ailment, I try to avoid feeling hot in moving vehicles.
I deal with this by blasting AC or opening windows to create a healthier environment for myself.
This blows Matt's mind.
Probably because, 90% of the time my 'hot flash' comes on rather fast and I immediately roll down a window in the middle of January or turn up the A/C full blast, regardless of weather or speed conditions.
Matt believes that I should be able to better gauge when I begin feeling warm and adjust the temperature accordingly at that point, rather than making it such a dramatic act of desperation .
{his words}
But it comes like a wave.
A desperate one.
When we boarded our flight from Bogota to Madrid I immediately realized that there were no individual air conditioners above the seat.
This may have sent me into a bit of a panic.
I always turn that little nozzle up full blast to ensure that I have some cool air blowing on my face.
So no air, no control, and 350 people boarding a plane with no cool air circulating left me feeling a little warm.
Shortly after take off my heat and lack of air won and I needed an airsickness bag.
My husband quickly realized what was going on and searched our seat backs for the appropriate tool. But we got seated in a row that had no airsickness bags.
He quickly ripped open the clear plastic bag that his flight pillow and blanket came in and I had an air sickness bag.
This entire act took place without a single witness.
Immediately I felt better.
My husband just shook his head.
He finally understood that my need for air was not just a dramatic act of desperation.
Our story doesn't end there.
We now had a very small airsickness bag,
which happened to also be a clear plastic bag.
To make the story all the more interesting before boarding the flight I had asked Matt if he had ever been sick on a plane and told him about how as a child I had to use an airsickness bag and how mortifying it is to have to hand it over to a flight attendant for proper disposal.
Thank you universe.
That simply wasn't an option.
Matt discussed delivering it to the garbage in the restroom, but quickly realized he would have to walk by 25 rows of people with a clear plastic bag to reach the restroom.
Then we tried to figure out a way to wrap the bag in napkins and place it in a plastic cup to dispose of in the trash when an attendant came around. We quickly realized that two small on flight napkins don't hide much in a clear plastic cup.
Finally we realized the bag could easily be placed in a foil container that came along with the dinner served on the flight. Matt wasn't completely convinced that these foil containers were not used again so to ensure that a hard working flight attendant's night wasn't ruined, he proceeded to mold his container so that it could not be opened nor could it be used again.
Mission complete.
This is how our European holiday began.
September 27, 2012
271/366 II
sorry, not quite done yet...
I was struggling with figuring out an appropriate picture for today. My cabeza is all over the place. This was Matt's suggestion. He really wanted me to share it.
When we were walking home from dinner this evening we saw a small van parked on the street with 'Donat Donat' painted on it, very similar to the logo used by Dunkin' Donuts. The back hatch was open and they were hustling donats right out of the back. At 6:45 at night.

I guess you can get a donat in Cartagena...
still not sure about a donut though.
I was struggling with figuring out an appropriate picture for today. My cabeza is all over the place. This was Matt's suggestion. He really wanted me to share it.
When we were walking home from dinner this evening we saw a small van parked on the street with 'Donat Donat' painted on it, very similar to the logo used by Dunkin' Donuts. The back hatch was open and they were hustling donats right out of the back. At 6:45 at night.

I guess you can get a donat in Cartagena...
still not sure about a donut though.
I'm still in a bit of disbelief that this day has arrived. It's that day that you couldn't hardly wait for and now I know the next two weeks will fly by.
Thankfully I will have one million pictures to help me remember.
Thankfully my parents arrive three weeks after we return.
Something else to look forward too. Another island.
Our bags are packed. We have crossed off all necessary items on the to-do list.

We are ready...
... to wake up everyday together for 16 straight days
... eat fish and chips at a recommended pup
... see Les Mis in the Queen's Theatre
... to try and sedate Sarah when she sees the Eiffel Tower in person
... to also try and keep Sarah's VID under control
... to eat gelato for breakfast and sometimes lunch, in the same day
... to eat massive amounts of cheese, bread, pizza, pastries, so on and so on
I can't go on... it is too overwhelming to think about it all.
We are ready...
... to eat
... to see
... to experience
This is my daily motto, repeated for 16 days:

I don't think it should be too hard.
Thankfully I will have one million pictures to help me remember.
Thankfully my parents arrive three weeks after we return.
Something else to look forward too. Another island.
Our bags are packed. We have crossed off all necessary items on the to-do list.

We are ready...
... to wake up everyday together for 16 straight days
... eat fish and chips at a recommended pup
... see Les Mis in the Queen's Theatre
... to try and sedate Sarah when she sees the Eiffel Tower in person
... to also try and keep Sarah's VID under control
... to eat gelato for breakfast and sometimes lunch, in the same day
... to eat massive amounts of cheese, bread, pizza, pastries, so on and so on
I can't go on... it is too overwhelming to think about it all.
We are ready...
... to eat
... to see
... to experience
This is my daily motto, repeated for 16 days:

I don't think it should be too hard.
Unfortunately I don't foresee a lot of blogging happening in the next two weeks, but upon my return it will be overwhelming. pictures. words. stories. images.
Consider yourself warned
September 26, 2012
September 25, 2012

This week's photography assignment has to do with shutter speed, which is shooting things in motion. I need lots of work with shutter speed. I don't photograph a lot of things in motion. I realized life without a dog and kiddos doesn't allow one to experience large amounts of motion. Someday I will see more motion.
For as long as I can remember my brother has been a loud boy. He has been diagnosed by the family as suffering from Voice Immodulation Disorder, the same disorder as a Will Ferrell character from SNL. He claims it's due to being the only boy smack dab in between two sisters who was just trying to be heard. I think he has a point. When I was living with my parents during my rendezvous in North America, I too was diagnosed with Voice Immodulation Disorder. My particular case of VMI tends to get worse when I have too many alcoholic beverages. So when I read this little blurb of advice from a travel blog Matt sent me I felt a bit of anxiety...
Talking vs. Shouting
Americans talk LOUDLY. If you don’t believe it, watch cable television “news” for a few minutes. It’s gotten so that restaurant reviews in the United States now include ‘sound’ ratings to denote the volume in restaurants. Many of us are used to speaking loudly, especially when we get into groups. If you’ve ever tried to have a peaceful dinner next to a table celebrating their annual office party, you know what I’m talking about. In Paris, people will modulate their voices so as not to disturb other diners; keeping your voice down will endear you to the locals much better.
I want the locals to like me, so I am going to work really hard to keep my VID under control. Especially after some vino.
While writing this post I was searching for a link to the book and stumbled upon an interview between Ms. Strayed and Oprah.
The best part, I was able to watch it.
So I did.
I stopped and watched the entire interview.
Oprah is all over Cheryl's sentences as well.
I didn't know I could love her anymore.
Now I do.
September 24, 2012
As of this morning this was Matt's packing situation..

this was mine..

Since then I have made some progress. In fact, I am happy I let Matt take care of his to do list first. A few months ago the tour company sent us some information regarding our upcoming trip. This included a guide to packing, which stated that during the packing process look at each item you plan to pack, think about when you will wear it, if you do not plan on wearing the item at least three times...
Do not pack it.
I choked when I read that statement.
That's like four outfits.
That number haunts me.
I am, by definition, an over packer.
Sometimes I think I've gotten better, but then I remember that it took 10 full/overweight suitcases to get us here.
After seeing Matt's casual packing style, with plenty of options, and room for a few treasures along the way,
I allowed myself to breathe and move forward.
And that I did.
This is the only time I will admit this, but it was helpful not to have access to my entire wardrobe.
{I already regret that statement}
While I may be repeating a few items over the two and a half weeks
I have more than 4 outfits.
and 16 pairs of underwear.
That was never even an option.
A backpacker I am not.

this was mine..

Since then I have made some progress. In fact, I am happy I let Matt take care of his to do list first. A few months ago the tour company sent us some information regarding our upcoming trip. This included a guide to packing, which stated that during the packing process look at each item you plan to pack, think about when you will wear it, if you do not plan on wearing the item at least three times...
Do not pack it.
I choked when I read that statement.
That's like four outfits.
That number haunts me.
I am, by definition, an over packer.
Sometimes I think I've gotten better, but then I remember that it took 10 full/overweight suitcases to get us here.
After seeing Matt's casual packing style, with plenty of options, and room for a few treasures along the way,
I allowed myself to breathe and move forward.
And that I did.
This is the only time I will admit this, but it was helpful not to have access to my entire wardrobe.
{I already regret that statement}
While I may be repeating a few items over the two and a half weeks
I have more than 4 outfits.
and 16 pairs of underwear.
That was never even an option.
A backpacker I am not.
September 23, 2012
You know that moment when you make a declaration public,
for all the universe to hear,
and then universe decides she wants to test you
{are you really going to choose to be happy?}
just to see what you're really about?
Well, here's an example
Saturday night Matt and I planned a simple dinner and a movie...
The Campaign was playing and we thought a laugh followed by the best burger in town would be the perfect way to spend our evening.
Matt returned home from work and did a quick costume change so his driver could take us to the mall and he could sneak in a quick hair cut before showtime.
En route to the mall we encountered a parade of woman in the back of trucks {???literally, it was a parade and the police blocked the streets???} so we had to take a detour. Running a little later than we anticipated, we quickly purchased our movie tickets, stating the title of the movie,
Loco para los Votos at 6:20.
We chose our premiere assigned seats, Matt handed me the tickets, I immediately placed them in that little pocket in the front of my purse, and he ran in to get his hair did.

That's him.
Getting his hair did.
Meanwhile I did a lot of people watching, spotted my first Christmas tree, and never took a second glance at our tickets.

Matt finished with a few moments to spare, we purchased some popcorn and entered the theatre. The previews were in progress so we had to be escorted by a man with a flashlight.
We sat down, got comfy, and immediately dug into the popcorn.
It was the perfect Saturday night, until it wasn't.
That moment when the previews are over and your movie begins...
where you await the first scene,
in this case I imagined a Will Ferrel one liner.
Instead I heard some strange music that did not sound at all like what I had anticipated.
Then the title of the movie appeared on the very large screen.
Resident Evil V
I have not seen any of the previous Resident Evils nor did I care to see this one.
We immediately pulled out the tickets and they clearly stated that we were, in fact, in the correct film.
We stood up, gathered our belongings, and walked out.
While attempting to sort out our confusion, we spoke with an employee who kindly informed us that The Campaign was no longer playing at the theater.
All the elements of our Saturday evening made up the perfect storm for this disappointing predicament...
rushing to get our tickets,
not paying attention to our surroundings
{no movie poster}
and Sarah not even glancing twice at the tickets.
But it did seem like one of those situations that can only happen when you live in a foreign country and face a language barrier.
While we were bummed, we laughed about it...
a lot
and then we chose to soften the blow with a drink.

Today I spent the day getting reacquainted with this girl

We are taking it easy,
going through the proper updates,
and getting some work done,
while I whisper sweet words of thankfulness for her return.
To close this Sunday evening I would like to share a little something that made me smile
even more than a Chiefs win
or my sweetpea mac girl.
Bella, Ty Guy, and the rest of the fam participated in a walk to raise funds for canine cancer research. The picture was sent with a caption that said,
Cancer Sucks,
or something to that effect...

My passionate boxer Bella couldn't have said it better herself.
for all the universe to hear,
and then universe decides she wants to test you
{are you really going to choose to be happy?}
just to see what you're really about?
Well, here's an example
Saturday night Matt and I planned a simple dinner and a movie...
The Campaign was playing and we thought a laugh followed by the best burger in town would be the perfect way to spend our evening.
Matt returned home from work and did a quick costume change so his driver could take us to the mall and he could sneak in a quick hair cut before showtime.
En route to the mall we encountered a parade of woman in the back of trucks {???literally, it was a parade and the police blocked the streets???} so we had to take a detour. Running a little later than we anticipated, we quickly purchased our movie tickets, stating the title of the movie,
Loco para los Votos at 6:20.
We chose our premiere assigned seats, Matt handed me the tickets, I immediately placed them in that little pocket in the front of my purse, and he ran in to get his hair did.

That's him.
Getting his hair did.
Meanwhile I did a lot of people watching, spotted my first Christmas tree, and never took a second glance at our tickets.

Matt finished with a few moments to spare, we purchased some popcorn and entered the theatre. The previews were in progress so we had to be escorted by a man with a flashlight.
We sat down, got comfy, and immediately dug into the popcorn.
It was the perfect Saturday night, until it wasn't.
That moment when the previews are over and your movie begins...
where you await the first scene,
in this case I imagined a Will Ferrel one liner.
Instead I heard some strange music that did not sound at all like what I had anticipated.
Then the title of the movie appeared on the very large screen.
Resident Evil V
I have not seen any of the previous Resident Evils nor did I care to see this one.
We immediately pulled out the tickets and they clearly stated that we were, in fact, in the correct film.
We stood up, gathered our belongings, and walked out.
While attempting to sort out our confusion, we spoke with an employee who kindly informed us that The Campaign was no longer playing at the theater.
All the elements of our Saturday evening made up the perfect storm for this disappointing predicament...
rushing to get our tickets,
not paying attention to our surroundings
{no movie poster}
and Sarah not even glancing twice at the tickets.
But it did seem like one of those situations that can only happen when you live in a foreign country and face a language barrier.
While we were bummed, we laughed about it...
a lot
and then we chose to soften the blow with a drink.

Today I spent the day getting reacquainted with this girl

We are taking it easy,
going through the proper updates,
and getting some work done,
while I whisper sweet words of thankfulness for her return.
To close this Sunday evening I would like to share a little something that made me smile
even more than a Chiefs win
or my sweetpea mac girl.
Bella, Ty Guy, and the rest of the fam participated in a walk to raise funds for canine cancer research. The picture was sent with a caption that said,
Cancer Sucks,
or something to that effect...

My passionate boxer Bella couldn't have said it better herself.
September 22, 2012
Expat life can be fabulous.
Expat life can be difficult.
I'm often reminded about what an amazing opportunity this is...
what an adventure,
an incredible lifestyle,
but sometimes it is easy to forget all the favorable parts of expat life
and focus more on the frustrations...
the language barrier,
the incredible lack of customer service,
no access to simple pleasantries that were once taken for granted,
or the fact that yesterday I was told it is illegal to use a cell phone in a bank {text, respond to emails, phone calls, all of it} regardless of the fact that you are expected to wait in a ridiculous line.
I've always been the type to have my nose in a book,
even more so now that I am an ama de casa.
I'm always looking for recommendations and trying to find some piece of literature to take me away,
something to learn from,
something to speak to me.
When I was in graduate school the book, The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews, was mentioned as a cognitive behavioral tool to use with clients. I made a note of the title and focused on the rest of my required reading.
This week I came back to the title and decided to put my nose in it. An easy read with a message, one that resonated with me...
...especially this...
Today, these things bring me happiness...
Expat life can be difficult.
I'm often reminded about what an amazing opportunity this is...
what an adventure,
an incredible lifestyle,
but sometimes it is easy to forget all the favorable parts of expat life
and focus more on the frustrations...
the language barrier,
the incredible lack of customer service,
no access to simple pleasantries that were once taken for granted,
or the fact that yesterday I was told it is illegal to use a cell phone in a bank {text, respond to emails, phone calls, all of it} regardless of the fact that you are expected to wait in a ridiculous line.
I've always been the type to have my nose in a book,
even more so now that I am an ama de casa.
I'm always looking for recommendations and trying to find some piece of literature to take me away,
something to learn from,
something to speak to me.
When I was in graduate school the book, The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews, was mentioned as a cognitive behavioral tool to use with clients. I made a note of the title and focused on the rest of my required reading.
This week I came back to the title and decided to put my nose in it. An easy read with a message, one that resonated with me...
...especially this...
Today I will choose to be happy.
I will greet each day with laugher.
I will smile at every person I meet.
I am the possessor of a grateful spirit.
Today I will choose to be happy.
Today, these things bring me happiness...
Fall begins
sweet strawberries
an afternoon glass of wine and a book
{yay!} my computer's back {yay!}
Somedays are easier than others to be happy.
Somedays bring struggles,
utter confusion when trying to communicate,
missing friends and family,
missing friends and family,
cab drivers who argue over one peso,
broken air conditioners,
no Bella,
no Bella,
no soy milk,
no Diet Coke in a can,
no Diet Coke in a can,
and people who don't understand the concept of 'personal space'.
But happiness is a choice.
There are 100 days left in 2012 and I choose to spend them being happy.
Even if it's hard and I have to self talk myself into my happy place until I am blue in the face.
I will choose to be happy.
How do you plan to spend the next 100 days?
September 21, 2012
September 20, 2012
Today I picked through my closet and a "Do Not Wear in Cartagena" drawer to begin the first step in the European vacay packing process.

I'm getting excited....

I'm getting excited....
September 19, 2012
I feel fall.
I feel it in my bones.
I've made soup twice this week
and today I spent some time gathering fall decor ideas
including some possibilities for Pumpkin Carving.
{not quite sure what we are going to do yet, but I'm working on it}

Tonight's dinner is Chicken Pot Pie Soup...
paired with some crusty bread seems like the perfect comfort food on a crisp autumn day.
I guess you can take the autumn season away from the girl,
but you can't take take the season out of the girl.
Bella's preparing for fall too...

I feel it in my bones.
I've made soup twice this week
and today I spent some time gathering fall decor ideas
including some possibilities for Pumpkin Carving.
{not quite sure what we are going to do yet, but I'm working on it}

Tonight's dinner is Chicken Pot Pie Soup...
paired with some crusty bread seems like the perfect comfort food on a crisp autumn day.
I guess you can take the autumn season away from the girl,
but you can't take take the season out of the girl.
Bella's preparing for fall too...

{love that there are still 3 pumpkins at the Schoenfelder's... one for each child...
then I realized, at this point, it very well may be one for each dog}
September 18, 2012
|september storm|
Last night there was a storm in Cartagena...
with lightning so bright
and thunder so loud
I sprang from my bed to watch the skies for a bit.
Today Matt received an email with some images from the storm...

with lightning so bright
and thunder so loud
I sprang from my bed to watch the skies for a bit.
Today Matt received an email with some images from the storm...

September 17, 2012
This morning I went over to the Old City to take some pictures.

{the doors still slay me}
Since my return to Cartagena I haven't spent much time in the Old City, besides the weekend restaurant visit en la noche or an occasional lunch. Another plus of my photography class is it gets me out and looking through a lens at what Cartagena has to offer.
While walking the city I stopped in the dollar store. Dollar King to be exact. While browsing I saw an aisle that made me smile...

Don't worry. I didn't make any purchases.
I know it's only September...
Christmas Island is a ways away.

{the doors still slay me}
Since my return to Cartagena I haven't spent much time in the Old City, besides the weekend restaurant visit en la noche or an occasional lunch. Another plus of my photography class is it gets me out and looking through a lens at what Cartagena has to offer.
While walking the city I stopped in the dollar store. Dollar King to be exact. While browsing I saw an aisle that made me smile...

Don't worry. I didn't make any purchases.
I know it's only September...
Christmas Island is a ways away.
September 16, 2012
September 15, 2012
September 14, 2012
Tomorrow is Colombia's equivalent of Valentine's Day. It's a day to celebrate love and friendship. In honor of this special day, the pilates studio I go to in Cartagena had a special Friday class at 6:45 in the morn. The class was broke into 3 sections with yoga in the courtyard, pilates on the reformer, and cardio.

I don't get out too much at this time of day {only when I am leaving the country to be exact}.
I enjoyed how quiet the city was at this time of day... less people and cabs honking for no particular reason.
However the heat was still brutal. Within 5 minutes of yoga outside my face was dripping.
Not pretty.
While at the store I spotted this

soy milk...
It's made in the US and it's worth a try in between my almond milk runs. I haven't tried it yet though. I needed to let it cool in the fridge for at least 24 hours before placing it on cereal. It helps me to block out the fact that I bought milk warm, on a shelf, in a non-refrigerated section of the store.
{buying warm milk totally reminds me of my college roommate, Casie. She had an absolute phobia of warm milk... to the extent where she was concerned about the amount of time from grocery store to fridge affecting the milk}
I had a few internet problems today which allowed me to finish my little embroidery gig

two little embroidered pillows, sitting on the guest bed, just waiting for our next guests...

I don't get out too much at this time of day {only when I am leaving the country to be exact}.
I enjoyed how quiet the city was at this time of day... less people and cabs honking for no particular reason.
However the heat was still brutal. Within 5 minutes of yoga outside my face was dripping.
Not pretty.
While at the store I spotted this

soy milk...
It's made in the US and it's worth a try in between my almond milk runs. I haven't tried it yet though. I needed to let it cool in the fridge for at least 24 hours before placing it on cereal. It helps me to block out the fact that I bought milk warm, on a shelf, in a non-refrigerated section of the store.
{buying warm milk totally reminds me of my college roommate, Casie. She had an absolute phobia of warm milk... to the extent where she was concerned about the amount of time from grocery store to fridge affecting the milk}
I had a few internet problems today which allowed me to finish my little embroidery gig

two little embroidered pillows, sitting on the guest bed, just waiting for our next guests...
September 13, 2012

Reasons why I decided to have a glass of wine...
* 39 days without a computer. guh.
* Matt has another new work schedule. I've literally lost count of how many times there has been variations to the schedule of 'you work a lot'. This one involves leaving work each day a half hour earlier and an hour earlier on Fridays. All weekends are considered overtime. Sounds great, right? Well, I'm not usually a glass half empty kind of girl, but honestly, all these early afternoons and free weekends never apply to him. All I really see is less work getting done. Which translates to 2015 on my calendar.
* We booked a Chianti Wine Tour in Italy. Thrilled. And we have tickets ready to pick up at will call to Les Miserables in London. Okay. I am officially excited.
{fun fact: my siblings and I grew up to the sound track of Les Mis. When my mom would clean on Saturday mornings, that was her soundtrack. Each of us, Sarah, Tyler, and Alysa have the soundtrack on our iPods. It makes for a pretty eclectic playlist.}
* I am craving** a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. So much so, that this is embarrassing to admit, I looked to see if there were any Starbucks located in any of the airports we will be in on our upcoming vacay.
well, what do you know... there is. I am not saying that we have to spend our time in Europe searching for Starbucks, but if I happen to see that green and white text you can bet your *** I will be standing in line.
**please emphasize this word. especially if you know how I tend to emphasize words. imagine me saying the word craving... long and drawn out with an emphasis on 'cray'
Shelley... that was for you:)
* In a strange turn of events, the universe has taken care of me in a way I didn't see coming. BIG fan of Ellen. Both the woman and the daily talk show. Watched it on the daily while I was stateside... me and my Bella, laughing on the couch while I pinned her down so she couldn't run, jump, or play. I spoke about how if I could somehow get Ellen in Cartagena, my life would be a little bit more complete.
Guess what?
She's here. Not in the same way that you have her. I found her on a DirectTV channel and so far I've watched a few Christmas episodes, her and Michelle Obama's push up competition, Sophia Grace & Rosie, and my fave the Kristen Bell Sloth episode. While it's not the same as watching a current episode with my favorite boxer, I have to give props to the universe. Thank you.
Reasons why my glass{es} of wine on a school night may not have been a great idea:
I have a special pilates class tomorrow
at 6:45 am.
September 12, 2012
I like surprises.
When Matt and I traveled to Medellin I switched purses. At one point during our trip I opened up a small zippered pocket and found a ticket...

from a trip to the Biltmore last August with my mom and Aunt Betty.
It made me smile and I immediately put the ticket back in the little pocket.
The other day I switched purses again, zipped open a front pocket to stash my keys, and...

this little ticket was hanging out from a concert I saw with three generations of Schoenfelder's this spring in Kentucky.
Popped that one back into it's spot when I thought about that evening and all the fun antics of a weekend spent with family.
In my wallet there is a compartment that doesn't get used much and in it sits these...

Disney tickets...
from the last two times I visited.
I love finding small memorabilia in the most unexpected places, which is why I use airline tickets as bookmarks and hang on to cards and tickets.
Why did these small pieces of paper bring me so much joy?
because they represent people, places, and things that I love
they stop me in my Colombian tracks and make me think of special moments and celebrations surrounded by those I love.
So no, it's not the paper itself, but what it signifies.
After I took these pictures, I decided it was okay not to put the tickets back in their little zippered pockets. I have the memories and that is what truly matters...
Okay, I didn't throw all of them away. I put the Disney tickets right back in that compartment. I will probably always save our Disney tickets.
That's just me.
When Matt and I traveled to Medellin I switched purses. At one point during our trip I opened up a small zippered pocket and found a ticket...

from a trip to the Biltmore last August with my mom and Aunt Betty.
It made me smile and I immediately put the ticket back in the little pocket.
The other day I switched purses again, zipped open a front pocket to stash my keys, and...

this little ticket was hanging out from a concert I saw with three generations of Schoenfelder's this spring in Kentucky.
Popped that one back into it's spot when I thought about that evening and all the fun antics of a weekend spent with family.
In my wallet there is a compartment that doesn't get used much and in it sits these...

Disney tickets...
from the last two times I visited.
I love finding small memorabilia in the most unexpected places, which is why I use airline tickets as bookmarks and hang on to cards and tickets.
Why did these small pieces of paper bring me so much joy?
because they represent people, places, and things that I love
they stop me in my Colombian tracks and make me think of special moments and celebrations surrounded by those I love.
So no, it's not the paper itself, but what it signifies.
After I took these pictures, I decided it was okay not to put the tickets back in their little zippered pockets. I have the memories and that is what truly matters...
Okay, I didn't throw all of them away. I put the Disney tickets right back in that compartment. I will probably always save our Disney tickets.
That's just me.
September 11, 2012
{1} the colors and light visible in the sky on an occasion of the sun's disappearance in the evening, considered as a view or spectacle

I can honestly say that sunsets will be one of the things I miss the most when we leave Cartagena...
{just so we are clear leaving is not on the horizon. I have many more sunsets in Cartagena. many many many more}
Each night is a little different, full of soft tones that serve as a reminder to take in the beauty
a reminder that this will likely be the only time I live in a high rise apartment with an ocean view
... so enjoy...
{1} the colors and light visible in the sky on an occasion of the sun's disappearance in the evening, considered as a view or spectacle

I can honestly say that sunsets will be one of the things I miss the most when we leave Cartagena...
{just so we are clear leaving is not on the horizon. I have many more sunsets in Cartagena. many many many more}
Each night is a little different, full of soft tones that serve as a reminder to take in the beauty
a reminder that this will likely be the only time I live in a high rise apartment with an ocean view
... so enjoy...
September 10, 2012
|five things|
I recently discovered a way to watch the Today Show.
The Today Show has a video podcast, which is accessible through AppleTV
{which has made me one happy expat, more on that another day}.
I'm always a day behind,
as in tomorrow I will watch Monday's episode,
but I relish starting my day with coffee and American morning programming.
However, I have to say, The Today Show is definitely not my preferred morning show.
I am a Good Morning America girl all the way.
But once again, I live in Colombia, therefore I can't be picky.
This morning I took a walk along the bay with my camera for some 'shooting practice':

A recent conversation between Matt and I lead to this startling fact:
In our six years of marriage, we have lived with four of his colleagues.
When living in Louisiana, post hurricane, there wasn't a lot of housing choices, so they paired people in two bedroom apartments.
Our first roommate, Shareesh, a young man from India, who liked to eat cake for breakfast, watched 'thrilling'/terrifying horror films, and loved himself a fast food center.
Our second roommate, Ben, a nice guy from Australia, who was respectful of space and did not eat cake for breakfast.
In Beaumont, shortly after buying our first home, we had another guy our age live with us while he tried to find a place for him and his fiancé to live in the area. We shared our first Thanksgiving with them and in the end they had an opportunity to return to the midwest on another job.
Lastly we moved in with Jared into his big old house in Beaumont, shortly after ours sold. Bella got her first dose of living with another dog and we enjoyed our final days in Beaumont, with a friend, who joined us in such random events like a 'Beaumont Dive Bar Pub Crawl' to give our Texas Lifestyle a proper goodbye.
Lots of memories.
But I'm done with random male colleague roommates.
I could really use a good solid boxer fix

but I am starting to get excited for our trip, which helps to distract me
... two and a half weeks:)
Today I made strawberry salsa to go with our dinner... Caramelized Pineapple Quesadillas

I recently discovered a way to watch the Today Show.
The Today Show has a video podcast, which is accessible through AppleTV
{which has made me one happy expat, more on that another day}.
I'm always a day behind,
as in tomorrow I will watch Monday's episode,
but I relish starting my day with coffee and American morning programming.
However, I have to say, The Today Show is definitely not my preferred morning show.
I am a Good Morning America girl all the way.
But once again, I live in Colombia, therefore I can't be picky.
This morning I took a walk along the bay with my camera for some 'shooting practice':

A recent conversation between Matt and I lead to this startling fact:
In our six years of marriage, we have lived with four of his colleagues.
When living in Louisiana, post hurricane, there wasn't a lot of housing choices, so they paired people in two bedroom apartments.
Our first roommate, Shareesh, a young man from India, who liked to eat cake for breakfast, watched 'thrilling'/terrifying horror films, and loved himself a fast food center.
Our second roommate, Ben, a nice guy from Australia, who was respectful of space and did not eat cake for breakfast.
In Beaumont, shortly after buying our first home, we had another guy our age live with us while he tried to find a place for him and his fiancé to live in the area. We shared our first Thanksgiving with them and in the end they had an opportunity to return to the midwest on another job.
Lastly we moved in with Jared into his big old house in Beaumont, shortly after ours sold. Bella got her first dose of living with another dog and we enjoyed our final days in Beaumont, with a friend, who joined us in such random events like a 'Beaumont Dive Bar Pub Crawl' to give our Texas Lifestyle a proper goodbye.
Lots of memories.
But I'm done with random male colleague roommates.
I could really use a good solid boxer fix

but I am starting to get excited for our trip, which helps to distract me
... two and a half weeks:)
Today I made strawberry salsa to go with our dinner... Caramelized Pineapple Quesadillas