The creepy crawly type.
The gecko drama continued.
After he raced into our closet area he reappeared on the wall. With the help of some deep breaths, I kept myself calm, hoping Gecko would find his way out the door. He made his way to the door frame and squeezed his body inside of it, but kept crawling right back out. He ventured away from the door and closer to us. My anxiety rose as he made his way near the air conditioner, hanging out there for a while and finally to the wall behind me. This is when I woke Matt up.
He stood up and grabbed his pillow in an attempt to hit the gecko. Apparently gecko's are quite observant, because this little guy figured out what was going on and jumped from the wall on the the floor. At this point I was jumping from foot to foot, petrified in the middle of our bed. Matt made an attempt to crush the little guy while he sat behind the nightstand.
He missed.
Gecko scurried.
I shrieked.
Gecko's exact location was unknown in the under region of our bed and I was supposed to relax and go to sleep. Every slight movement, every itch, every shiver, I jumped thinking it was a gecko, as I constantly looked over my shoulder afraid I would discover him behind me.
I tried to distract myself with television and reading and then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.
A rather large cockroach on top of the air conditioner.
I woke Matt up again, mumbling something about "How I can't deal.. he is huge".
Matt thought I was still referring to Gecko and told me to calm down. Then he saw what I was talking about and his tune changed. He walked out of the room and returned with a plunger and demanded that I cover my eyes.
More specifically he wanted a blanket over my head and didn't want to hear any screaming.
I proceeded to ball up under the covers, making sure to stay in the middle of the bed just in case Gecko resurfaced near the edge and listened as a series of smacks and scrambles occurred. Matt defeated the cockroach and crawled back into bed. For the next two hours, I laid in bed, eyes wide open, fetal position, wrapped snuggly in the sheet I fitted around my feet so no 'creature' could get in, careful to keep all my limbs in the middle of the bed.
The next morning I awoke with an email I had been copied on from my husband to the housing department, requesting fumigation services. Matt stated it needed to be taken care of in a timely matter due to his 'terrified wife'.
Happy Halloween from Cartagena!

Tonight we attended a dinner thrown by a contractor that Matt works closely with.
Our Friday nights are generally low key due to Matt's Saturday work schedule,
so it was a nice change of pace to have a scheduled event and a reason to wear heels.
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