August 9, 2012


It's that time of year again...
Matt is in three fantasy football leagues.
I am in one.
Matt researches and strategizes
{although this year I've only seen him researching twice... this job must be getting to him}
I generally choose players based on their names or faces.
I would like to win for bragging rights
and after a lot of thought,
I would like Matt to win the Jockey Man.
What's the Jockey Man?
It is a trophy of a Jockey Man that is used in the Fantasy Football League of Matt's closest friends to symbolize dominance and winning. Whoever wins the season, recieves the JockeyMan for one year.
{these are the only Jockey Man photos I was able to find, nabbed from the boys facebook pages}
How did the Jockey Man come to symbolize such victory?
I'm not exactly sure, but I do recall how he came into existence. One evening a few years back, after an afternoon of cocktails, Alan, Matt, and I stopped into a liquor store on our way to a friends.  The cashier at this particular establishment looked a bit like Jack Nicholson and in true Jack fashion kept his sunglasses on as he assisted each of his patrons, even though it was evening and he was inside. Alan engaged Jack in a friendly conversation and spotted a small trophy of a jockey that was some sort of advertisement for Jockey for Men. Alan, intrigued, immediately began asking questions about the Jockey Man including if he was for sale. Jack replied that it was an important piece and he was unable to sell it. Alan quickly came back with an offer of $20. Jack walked over, grabbed the Jockey Man from his perch, and sold it to Alan.  The Jockey Man was born.
Why on earth would I want Matt to win the Jockey Man?
Jockey Man is a big deal. He represents winning and among these quite competitive boys, that means a lot. I know Matt has been itching to win him for some time and I have always known that he would want to display him proudly. When I lived in a home with a sense of decor, that thought stressed me out. Because Jockey Man simply didn't fit in my living room. However, now that we live in Cartagena, our apartamento decor is all pretty random. Therefore, I wouldn't be bothered by seeing Jockey Man prominently displayed on a daily basis. I also think it would be pretty hilarious for Jockey Man to travel to a different continent.
So on the eve of this Fantasy Football Season heres to hoping that Jockey Man is ready to fly...

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