May 24, 2011

Eloise Gets Mad

There is not an Eloise book in the series with this title, but Eloise and I could join forces and get one written. 
I have no idea how Eloise didn't die living in the Plaza for all that time.
Probably because she kept her days exciting by crashing weddings and spying on hotel guests.
Doesn't she look a little naughty. My naughtiness has been limited to losing my cell phone.
She also had a dog & a turtle to keep her company.

We went to our "future home" again last night to see the furnishings. All the necessary security items were taken care of and there was just a few additional furniture pieces that were yet to be placed in the apartment. Apparently the final contract has been drawn up... But here is where I get crabby. The owner lives in Bogota. So, the contract has to make its way to Bogota (I've heard its being emailed, fairly painless) reviewed and signed by the owner and then make its way back to Cartagena. I thought for sure we would be living large in our high rise apartment by Friday night. While this is still a possibility, I have to be honest with myself and acknowledge I could be chillin at "el Hilton" on Friday.
I'm going a little nuts in the Hilton. I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy, there are definitely far worse places I could be right now. But today, I realized I have been under the umbrella of "homeless" since February 28th. That is nearly 3 months. 3 months we've lived out of a suitcase (or 10). I want to unpack.
And while Nancy is here I would also like to mention that I am super bummed about missing  Oprah's final show. Seriously, I have dvr'd every episode for the last 5 years. And her final season, I miss the last 6 weeks. 

Now, that I have whined a bit...

Matt and I had a nice relaxing weekend. Friday was a night in (at the Hilton) with a bottle of wine and some Breaking Bad episodes. 
Saturday - After Matt came home (home is used very loosely) from work we headed to San Martin (street with many restaurants, shops, etc). We ate some lunch and headed to the cell phone store. There was quite a language barrier to explain my lost phone, but thankfully Matt was able to call the English speaking rep. that is working with his company and he explained it to the teller. I also now have a zippered purse.
Saturday night we went to a movie, Pirates of the Caribbean.
1. No, the movie was not in Spanish. It was in English, with Spanish subtitles.
2. Movies are much cheaper here than in the States. We went to a movie Saturday night, tickets were 88000 Colombian pesos = approximately $4.50.
3. They have assigned seats in the theater.
4. It was nice. I kind of forgot where I was for a moment. Until I heard the unrecognizable mumblings behind me and realized there was constantly subtitles on the screen.
(I'm not sure if they (being subtitles) are that unnoticeable or I have gotten used to them as everything I watch has them)

Sunday - Matt and I traveled to the Old City. While we had gone our for some drinks in this part of town and I had walked through, we had not yet just spent some time exploring together. There is a lot of history here, but I will share that another time...
mostly because I don't know it yet.
It's a beautiful area filled with shops, restaurants, & gorgeous architecture. There are many vendors as well, but from what I have seen there aren't many parts of Cartagena that are not vendor filled. 
At night, the Old City is full of lights. Which is pretty great... since we have a nice view of it from our future home.
*home is still a loosely used term

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