I'm aware.

We are deep in heart of our Cartagena routine, keeping a pretty consistent schedule each day of the week. In the two years that we've resided here, a lot of things have changed. Plenty of people have come and gone, which affected our social calendar and we feel like we've seen a lot of what Cartagena has to offer {or at least what we're allowed to see}.
We're in a bit of a rut, looking forward to traveling and getting a bit of Americana to brighten our spirits.
This is a little of what our current routine looks like:

Matt goes to work.
Sarah babysits. Cleaning day, barre3 workout, work on project*/Spanish homework, prepare dinner.
Matt arrives home.
We head to the gym.
Eat dinner, watch television, head to bed.
{*when I say project I am pretty much referring to anything from a crafty project, embroidery, photography, organizing, emails, etc.}
Matt goes to work.
Sarah babysits, pilates, gym, head home for lunch and to finish homework or lounge.
Spanish lessons.
Prepare dinner.
Matt arrives home.
Matt goes to play basketball.
I eat and begin skyping with my parents.
Matt joins us.
We go to bed.
Matt goes to work.
Sarah heads to pilates, running any errands after. Head home for lunch, work on any project or Spanish homework, take care of any midweek chores, lounge.
Prepare dinner.
Matt arrives home.
We head to the gym.
Eat dinner, skype with Matt's parents, head to bed.
Matt goes to work.
Sarah heads to pilates & the gym. Head home for lunch, work on any project or Spanish homework. Lounge.
Spanish lesson.
Prepare dinner.
Matt arrives home.
Matt goes to play basketball.
I eat dinner.
Matt returns. lounge. head to bed.
Matt goes to work.
Sarah babysits, barre3 workout.
Work on any projects. lounge
Prepare dinner {although Fridays are a good day to pick something up}
Matt arrives home.
Head to the gym.
Pick something up on the way home.
Eat. lounge. head to bed.
Matt goes to work.
Saturday Sarah lounges in the morning. Reads in bed, watches a movie, catches up on some tv, plans meals for the following week, paint nails.
Barre3 workout.
Busy myself for the afternoon and prepare for a night out.
Matt arrives home.
Head out to dinner.
Hang out with others or come home and watch a movie
{we've been doing a lot of this lately. We watched Argo last weekend and the scenes where they had to go through customs had me screaming with anxiety. It made me thankful that I reside in a country that is on good terms with the US.}
Here's where we shake things up.
Sometimes we wake up early, head to the gym, get brunch, and then go the grocery store.
Other times we lounge in bed, read the newspaper, watch tv and eat breakfast in bed. Then we head to the gym and the grocery store.
Then in the afternoon we may run errands, grab a bit to eat, or watch a movie.
Proceed to Monday.
It's kind of like our own little Groundhog Day. But we get to watch the date on the calendar change.
So I apologize for being a little boring on the blog lately. I will try and share more of the daily happenings that is our Colombian Adventure at this moment.
{I guess the 366 photo challenge helped with that}.
But trust me, soon enough the blog will be back in action with travel, reunions, dogs, and plenty of other adventures to share.