Each day, at around the same time in the afternoon, these helicopters fly right by our apartment. I've thought about trying to get a picture of them as they fly by. The other day one, literally, hung out right in front of my balcony. It was like he was taunting me...'You know you want a picture. This is the perfect opportunity.' I made a run for the camera, and this is what I got.

Here he is again.

The latest project I've been working on is a photo gallery wall to hang many pictures of loved ones and memories. It is a work in progress. Once I got the frames purchased and figured out a layout I liked, I created a sort of 'outline' on paper of how the frames would go on the wall. Then I needed help. From Matt. And since our color block canvas art proved difficult to hang {these walls are strange} he McGyver'd/engineered some plan to use those wall hanger thingy mabobs that stick, instead of using nails. Which required me to McGyver some wire hangers on the back of the frames. Before the wire hangers I painted all the frames {go figure.} The guest room is currently being used as a trial run for this system.
When I purchased the frames they were a light oak-y color...

{they look much lighter than this in Colombian life}
I wanted them darker.

More to come on project picture wall.
{FYI: A helicopter just flew by}
Halloween is coming up. Many of you know that means the McQuinn's get a little competitive and dual it out for the title of Pumpkin Carving Champion. No pumpkins in Colombia. However, we are going to be stateside during Halloween season. Which means we will be carving some American pumpkins.
And Bella will be wearing this:

Stop. Is that not the cutest dinosaur you've ever seen? As a child Matt was obsessed with dinosaurs. And now he has
Folks, in one week, right this very moment, Matt and I will be in a plane from Panama to Houston, Texas, with our final destination being Des Moines, Iowa. A week later we head over to Knoxville.
We are thrilled about our upcoming travels. I am so excited for Matt to get some time off to relax. And to see his face when we land in America.
My guess is it will be the same expression he had as a child when he saw a dinosaur.
Happy Friday.