At four months, our sweet baby girl...
... weighs in at 13 lb 12 oz and is 25.5 inches long. What's really crazy, at 4 months her sister weighed 13 lb. 10 oz and was 25.25 inches.
... is so sweet. She really is. She's happy and content. When she smiles, she smiles with her eyes. I can't quite seem to get enough of her.
... giggles. It's the best little sound. Really.
... has a sensitive side when it comes to her little tummy. I've learned to become quite careful about what I eat and to keep the gas drops on hand. I am completely avoiding carbonated beverages {no Diet Coke, no sparkling water} and the after effects of broccoli will make me think twice next time.
... loves her hands & soft blankets and adores her sister.
... sports the same hair-do as her sister did as a babe. Keeping all the hair on top and nothing on the sides.
... doesn't love tummy time and has been putting it to a stop by rolling over. She receives a lot of praise from sister and I. But I've yet to catch it on video... so I am not sure if its baby book official yet.
... sleeps.
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