September 2, 2015



Here we are.
One month from today, she'll be two.
An whole new level of toddler
(i feel like we've been there for a while)
and counting the months will be over.

At twenty-three months, our little girl...


... is active and talkative. She runs and jumps wherever she can and likes to be heard. She repeats everything she hears and it seems like she adds another word to her own vocabulary daily.

...loves to laugh & giggle. Sometimes in a fake way to be part of a conversation. But most of the time it's a genuine little girl giggle. This can be heard quite often while playing with her dogs.

... still loves books. She has memorized a couple of the very simple ones and can 'read' them to us. She also still loves her dolls or babies. She becomes more and more imaginative in play and has really started to care for her babes, feeding them, rocking them, kissing them, putting them to bed. It's pretty sweet and we are hoping her love sticks around for her little sister or brothers arrival.

... has a thing for cows & horses. Seriously. Pretty random for the suburbs of Houston, but she loves herself some cow and horse sightings. And lucky girl, not far from our house we pass some land that has cows on one side and horses on the other. Also random. But maybe not. We do live in Texas.

... is currently obsessed with puzzles. And she's pretty good at them. It's one of the first things she does in the morning and we have strategically placed them both up and down stairs so they are available at all times.

... sings Wheels on the Bus, Row Row Row Your Boat, and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Except for Head and Toes are the only lyrics sung. I've got a cd in my car of several childrens songs and every time we get in the car she requests the 'bus' song. Every time.

... says 'Bye-Bye' with a blown kiss to almost everyone we interact with.

... has recently discovered M&Ms and asked for them by name.

... doesn't eat as many greens or vegetables as her mother would like, but is a big fan of dip. Vegetable dip or greek yogurt helps with our veggie intake, but the ratio of dip to veggie is a bit off. She also likes ketchup, just like her mama.

... is sweet. She gives hugs and kisses, just because. She is working on her manners, saying please and thank you, and sorry when she needs to. And melts our hearts when we hear her say 'la you' in return.

... still has her Lola.

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