February 15, 2014

reflections on a Colombian adventure

I thought I would have months to prepare for our departure.
I thought there would be time to pack slowly, count the weeks, and process the end of this journey.
But that's not how it came to a close and I am okay with that.

I've spent the last few days reminiscing and taking it all in, the last trip to the grocery store, last cab ride to the Old City, last walk around the bay.

From time to time a voice will creep up and make me wonder if I took advantage of this experience:

Did I immerse myself enough in the culture?
Did I take advantage of this opportunity?
Did I enjoy the view enough?

My answer is
I did.

When I think back to the person I was three years ago when this adventure began, I realize truly how much I've grown through this experience.
I'm more confident, patient, cultured, and understanding.
Okay, patient might be stretching it.

But this experience has opened up my world.

I've had the opportunity to travel to places I've never dreamed of, push myself out of my comfort zone, and meet people from all over the world.

I've learned to communicate through body language and gestures, stood on top of the Andes Mountains, found geckos in my bedroom, and bathed in mud.

It truly has been an adventure.
but that adventure must come to an end.

While I am ready for our next chapter,
I am so thankful for the experiences and opportunities we have had.
After all, thats what brought us where we are today.

Our Colombian adventure will always have a special place in our hearts as it brought us to our greatest adventure yet...

So thank you Cartagena,
for the culture,
for the experience,
for the memories.


It is good to have an end to journey toward;
but it is the journey that matters, 
in the end.
{Ernest Hemingway}

I just saw this on Facebook. Check out number 65...

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