February 26, 2014
February 19, 2014
February 18, 2014
Sweet Home America
We're home...
our home for the next few weeks until we find ourselves in a new place to call home.

We're spending our time settling in, enjoying our time together and remembering what life is like as an American family, while we sort our the details of our next adventure.
Speaking of adventure, I am quite happy we don't have to do another flight to Cartagena.
Remember when we traveled during the holidays and I shared {cough cough, bragged} what a fabulous little traveler our daughter was.
Well I am quite sure the universe decided to show me how it feels to be the parent of that baby on a flight.
And I was.
Lauren did fabulously on our first two flights. In fact, one woman made a comment that she got on the plane smiling and came off smiling. Then we boarded our final flight from Houston to Knoxville and she decided she was done. She screamed for the majority of the flight. Poor little bird was having problems with her ears, she was tired, and was just generally over the experience. I had to walk the aisle, having people stare and stand, bouncing her, for the majority of the flight. When we had to take our seats for landing, she was not happy. There was an elderly gentleman sitting right behind us. During the landing he said, "I've never had a headache this bad in my entire life".
That pretty much sums up that flight.
Matt has two weeks to adjust to our new lifestyle and heads to Texas to start work on March 3. While there he will find us an apartment, to live in while we begin the house hunt {again}. Movers will pack our house here and meet Matt in Houston to unload. The following weekend Matt will head back to Knoxville to meet Lauren and I for our big road trip.
That's our plan...
for now.
But for now, we're just enjoying America and trying to adjust to the idea that we are here to stay!
our home for the next few weeks until we find ourselves in a new place to call home.

We're spending our time settling in, enjoying our time together and remembering what life is like as an American family, while we sort our the details of our next adventure.
Speaking of adventure, I am quite happy we don't have to do another flight to Cartagena.
Remember when we traveled during the holidays and I shared {cough cough, bragged} what a fabulous little traveler our daughter was.
Well I am quite sure the universe decided to show me how it feels to be the parent of that baby on a flight.
And I was.
Lauren did fabulously on our first two flights. In fact, one woman made a comment that she got on the plane smiling and came off smiling. Then we boarded our final flight from Houston to Knoxville and she decided she was done. She screamed for the majority of the flight. Poor little bird was having problems with her ears, she was tired, and was just generally over the experience. I had to walk the aisle, having people stare and stand, bouncing her, for the majority of the flight. When we had to take our seats for landing, she was not happy. There was an elderly gentleman sitting right behind us. During the landing he said, "I've never had a headache this bad in my entire life".
That pretty much sums up that flight.
Matt has two weeks to adjust to our new lifestyle and heads to Texas to start work on March 3. While there he will find us an apartment, to live in while we begin the house hunt {again}. Movers will pack our house here and meet Matt in Houston to unload. The following weekend Matt will head back to Knoxville to meet Lauren and I for our big road trip.
That's our plan...
for now.
But for now, we're just enjoying America and trying to adjust to the idea that we are here to stay!
February 15, 2014
reflections on a Colombian adventure
I thought there would be time to pack slowly, count the weeks, and process the end of this journey.
But that's not how it came to a close and I am okay with that.
I've spent the last few days reminiscing and taking it all in, the last trip to the grocery store, last cab ride to the Old City, last walk around the bay.
From time to time a voice will creep up and make me wonder if I took advantage of this experience:
Did I immerse myself enough in the culture?
Did I take advantage of this opportunity?
Did I enjoy the view enough?
My answer is
I did.
When I think back to the person I was three years ago when this adventure began, I realize truly how much I've grown through this experience.
I'm more confident, patient, cultured, and understanding.
Okay, patient might be stretching it.
But this experience has opened up my world.
I've had the opportunity to travel to places I've never dreamed of, push myself out of my comfort zone, and meet people from all over the world.
I've learned to communicate through body language and gestures, stood on top of the Andes Mountains, found geckos in my bedroom, and bathed in mud.
It truly has been an adventure.
but that adventure must come to an end.
While I am ready for our next chapter,
I am so thankful for the experiences and opportunities we have had.
After all, thats what brought us where we are today.
Our Colombian adventure will always have a special place in our hearts as it brought us to our greatest adventure yet...
So thank you Cartagena,
for the culture,
for the experience,
for the memories.

It is good to have an end to journey toward;
but it is the journey that matters,
in the end.
{Ernest Hemingway}
February 14, 2014
February 12, 2014
February 11, 2014
Leidys & Lauren
One of the hardest people to tell that we were leaving was our maid, Leidys.
She has been wonderful to our family, taking such good care of Matt, while I was gone, and helping me get rid of my anxiety about these ridiculous white floors.
She is the kindest woman and is in love with Lauren.
Her first reaction to our news was, "Oh Lauren. Oh my God."
In English.
She plays with Lauren each morning, speaking Spanish to her so sweetly, and Lauren watches her with a big gummy smile.
When I returned to Cartagena I was unsure of what I would do with Lauren when I went to pilates. After speaking with the receptionist about the available days, she agreed to watch Lauren in the waiting room while I was in class on Wednesdays & Thursdays. Fridays I could bring Lauren with me or I could leave her at home with Leidy. I stressed over whether to take her to pilates with me, where she generally falls asleep and sits in her stroller, or leave her at home with Leidy, where she can play with all her toys and can sleep in her swing.
I decided to leave her with Leidy.
And I am so glad I did.
They are so cute together. I leave them playing together on the floor or looking at the ocean and speaking Spanish. By the time I come back, Lauren is napping and Leidy is gushing over what a good baby she is.
She loves her time with Lauren and I don't worry about listening for Lauren's cry in the middle of class.
Leidy is the first person non-family member I've ever left Lauren with.
And she doesn't even speak English.
I think that's pretty baby book worthy.

We will all miss her.
She has been wonderful to our family, taking such good care of Matt, while I was gone, and helping me get rid of my anxiety about these ridiculous white floors.
She is the kindest woman and is in love with Lauren.
Her first reaction to our news was, "Oh Lauren. Oh my God."
In English.
She plays with Lauren each morning, speaking Spanish to her so sweetly, and Lauren watches her with a big gummy smile.
When I returned to Cartagena I was unsure of what I would do with Lauren when I went to pilates. After speaking with the receptionist about the available days, she agreed to watch Lauren in the waiting room while I was in class on Wednesdays & Thursdays. Fridays I could bring Lauren with me or I could leave her at home with Leidy. I stressed over whether to take her to pilates with me, where she generally falls asleep and sits in her stroller, or leave her at home with Leidy, where she can play with all her toys and can sleep in her swing.
I decided to leave her with Leidy.
And I am so glad I did.
They are so cute together. I leave them playing together on the floor or looking at the ocean and speaking Spanish. By the time I come back, Lauren is napping and Leidy is gushing over what a good baby she is.
She loves her time with Lauren and I don't worry about listening for Lauren's cry in the middle of class.
Leidy is the first person non-family member I've ever left Lauren with.
And she doesn't even speak English.
I think that's pretty baby book worthy.

We will all miss her.
February 7, 2014
Big Changes Ahead
The McQuinn family is packing up and moving to...

{why yes, Lauren is wearing a pacifier holder that says God Bless America}
We are moving to Houston, Texas, USA!
It's been a crazy couple of weeks that have left our heads spinning as we prepare for a lot of changes. Matt received a call two weeks ago, at his desk in Colombia, from a small Engineering Procurement Construction contractor, that was interested in him for a Director of Construction position. After communicating with them a few times, Matt found himself seriously contemplating if he was ready to leave CBI and try something new. We made a list of pros and cons and had some major discussions and in the end felt like it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Here's the thing...
Matt really enjoys working on the construction side of things. Often times with the construction, comes the travel. While we had discussed finishing our time in Colombia and doing one more job that required travel, providing Lauren and our growing family with stability was also important. This opportunity allows Matt to stay on the construction side of things, without the travel. All the work they do is in the Houston area. We felt like that in itself was a great opportunity, for both Matt professionally and for our family. Plus, he is taking a position that was in his 15 year plan, has weekends off, and we get to live in a large city that has a lot to offer
{as opposed to some of the smaller areas these jobs usually take us to}.
It was a difficult decision to make, but we are so excited about our next adventure.
We've still got a lot of details to sort out {yes, the house in TN is one of them}, but we're ready to settle in and enjoy this American life.
Did I mention we leave Cartagena on February 15?
That's basically one week...
America, here we come!

{why yes, Lauren is wearing a pacifier holder that says God Bless America}
We are moving to Houston, Texas, USA!
It's been a crazy couple of weeks that have left our heads spinning as we prepare for a lot of changes. Matt received a call two weeks ago, at his desk in Colombia, from a small Engineering Procurement Construction contractor, that was interested in him for a Director of Construction position. After communicating with them a few times, Matt found himself seriously contemplating if he was ready to leave CBI and try something new. We made a list of pros and cons and had some major discussions and in the end felt like it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Here's the thing...
Matt really enjoys working on the construction side of things. Often times with the construction, comes the travel. While we had discussed finishing our time in Colombia and doing one more job that required travel, providing Lauren and our growing family with stability was also important. This opportunity allows Matt to stay on the construction side of things, without the travel. All the work they do is in the Houston area. We felt like that in itself was a great opportunity, for both Matt professionally and for our family. Plus, he is taking a position that was in his 15 year plan, has weekends off, and we get to live in a large city that has a lot to offer
{as opposed to some of the smaller areas these jobs usually take us to}.
It was a difficult decision to make, but we are so excited about our next adventure.
We've still got a lot of details to sort out {yes, the house in TN is one of them}, but we're ready to settle in and enjoy this American life.
Did I mention we leave Cartagena on February 15?
That's basically one week...
America, here we come!
February 5, 2014
18 weeks

Since Lauren was born, we've received comments that she looks like a doll.
I obviously agree that she is the cutest dolly ever, but I am a bit bias.
Every so often some kind stranger would approach us and mention our dolly reminded them of a doll.
I can recall these specific instances, because receiving a compliment about your child is the best feeling ever... why did no one tell me about this?
But the Colombians... they really think that Lauren looks like a doll.
I can't tell you how many times I have been taking her for a walk or had a woman approach me in pilates and tell me that she looks like a doll.
Muñeca in Spanish.
It happens often.
And it feels just as good in Spanish as it does in English.
February 3, 2014
Lauren's Colombian Nursery
While it will never resemble her nursery in the US, we think Lauren's pretty lucky to have two different nurseries, on two different continents.

Our hunt for a Colombian crib paid off and we are much happier with a real crib than the pack & play option.
We found this little tree decal at Target and packed it up to add a sweet little detail to Lauren's room.
My favorite part are the little birds.
My mom helped me paint a canvas to help add some personalization and color to the room.
Plus it hides all the cords for the internet accessories.
We were able to use the 'desk' as the changing table and all the shelfs provide a great option for baby storage. It worked out to be the perfect little nook. I took some scrapbook paper that has a similar pattern to Lauren's American nursery wall and hung that to add a little something to the area.
I have plenty more little projects on my to-do list to add some more sweetness to the room, but we think Lauren does a pretty good job of that all on her own.
And honestly, I just don't have as much time for those little projects as I used to.
Imagine that.
February 2, 2014
4 months

At four months, our sweet little Lauren...
... loves her soft blanket, baby doll Lola, and her Minnie.
... you can also find her playing with Sophie La Giraffe, an orange ball, and a soft Eric Carle book.
... but she really loves her hands. They can be found in her mouth almost constantly.
... handles tummy time better than ever before, but has also discovered how to end it quickly by rolling over, tummy to back.
... loves to go for walks and almost always falls asleep while en route.
... gives us a little giggle, but is still making us work for that first real belly laugh.