September 1, 2013

five things

Grandpa Clet was in town last week. It is always nice to be able to spend some time with him. I am thrilled with how many special people I've been able to see since I've been back in the US during this pregnancy. Now I only hope Baby McQuinn is able to meet all of these special people once he or she arrives!

Last week I put the stroller together.
All by myself.
(Honestly it wasn't that difficult so I don't even think I can brag about it)
We did quite a bit of research in the stroller game. Due to the amount we will be traveling and having to take the size of Colombian cabs into play, we are pretty confident that we found the right one for us.
I even practiced folding it down and opening it back up a few times.
I was pleased to cross this item off the to-do list.
However, I've yet to tackle the carseat.

I spent most of my Labor Day weekend at the lake.
Sometimes it's funny to compare my adventures at the Pour House this year to those of last year.

As you can noticed {above} this baby belly has taken over. I often wonder how it can get any bigger, but people assure it will. While I am still feeling great and am so thankful for how healthy this pregnancy has been, I am beginning to experience those end of pregnancy symptoms. I can't bend over,  sometimes I make noises trying to get into the car, sleep is completely interrupted, and my lower back is feeling the weight of this belly.
One month to go.

At my doctor appointment this week I had another ultrasound scheduled to check on Baby McQuinn and see which way our little darling was facing. Thankfully we are head down.
While I am feeling the effects of my pregnancy size, it looks like George is also feeling it. Our little babe is pretty squished...
Being able to take a peek at our Georgie this close to meeting him or her has us so excited...
We can't wait to welcome this precious baby and can't believe how close we are to that special day.
Until then, when we can stare completely in love at every feature and detail of this little one, I think its safe to say...
George looks like daddy.

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