January 22, 2016

Caroline at home

It's hard to believe we're approaching the one month mark since Caroline joined our little family.
I've already forgotten what life was like before she was here

So, let's go back and revisit those first days of Caroline at home.


One of the things I looked most forward to about arriving home
besides my own bed, my mom's cooking, and a glass of wine
was seeing our girls* together.
Watching Lauren step into her role of big sister melted my heart...
and it still does.
Their little sisterly bond gets stronger each day.
*The use of the term 'girls' still makes me smile.

Just like her sister, Caroline came home and immediately began cheering for her favorite football teams.

We were so blessed to have both of our parents here to spend special time with us as a family of four.
And they were a whole lot of help...
My parents arrived a few days before the Christmas and were on Lauren watch while we made our way to the hospital.
My brother flew out the morning of Caroline's arrival and my sister was able to stay for a few days to play with Lauren and hold Miss Caroline.
Matt's parents arrived a few days after Christmas.
Lauren was thrilled to have both sets of her grandparents here and couldn't get enough play time or give enough hugs.
Not only did the grandparents help keep Lauren entertained,
which gave us time to focus on Caroline,
they helped with Caroline, so we had some special time with big sister,
helped around the house,
and gave Matt and I the opportunity for some rare date nights!
My sister and mom helped me with a few projects to prepare the nursery for Caroline
 and the grandmas and I continued to work on them through the week...
but let's be honest, the grandmas did most of the work.
Lucky little Caroline.
We will never be able to express how thankful we are for all their help
 or for the way they love our girls.
It was such a blessing to have so many extra sets of hands
and to see Caroline meet the grandparents who are already so in love with her.

We've made it almost two weeks without any 'extra hands'
and while there has been moments, 
we've been pretty successful.
even making trips to dance, gymnastics, Target, and the mall!
Things like that will make a stay at home mom of two feel really accomplished.

Granted, we're still living off freezer meals that my mom stocked us up on,
but I have to say I feel pretty proud...
and I think Caroline is too.

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