April 30, 2014
April 28, 2014
Happy Easter

We traveled to Ankeny to spend Easter with Matt's family.
Matt and I were so excited about the simplicity of our new travel route, only one non-stop flight...
that was delayed 3 hours.
Our dolly girl did a fabulous job of traveling, even with the delay thrown in.
We had the opportunity to spend some time with Grandma & Grandpa before Matt's sisters and their families came to join in on the fun.

Dad attempted to guide Lauren into enjoying her greens...

During our Christmas visit, Lauren was 12 weeks old, so it was so fun to watch her actually interact with her cousins, especially Hayden, who is just 7 months older.

Our Easter celebrations began on Saturday, when the Easter bunny made a stop at the McQuinn residence and an Easter Egg hunt followed.

We had another celebration on Saturday, my dear friend Heidi's bridal shower.

Lauren made a brief appearance and spent the rest of the afternoon with her dad.

We also spent some time with Uncle Scott during our visit!

Lauren adores him!
Our Easter celebration continued on Sunday with another visit from the Easter bunny!

We had a wonderful Easter!
{our first spent together in a couple of years}
& loved spending time with family & friends.
While it seems like there is never enough time during our trips,
it's good to know,
that our loved ones are just one non-stop plane ride away...
... even with a three hour delay,
that sounds lovely.
April 23, 2014
29 weeks
This week we tried a new strategy for our picture.

Lauren got to go at the blocks and I just stood back and took a few photos.
No re-stacking.
No posing.
No stress.

I think it's quite possible we may never see the correct number of weeks displayed again.

Lauren got to go at the blocks and I just stood back and took a few photos.
No re-stacking.
No posing.
No stress.

I think it's quite possible we may never see the correct number of weeks displayed again.
April 16, 2014
28 weeks

That is our 28 week picture...
In the midst of packing for our trip to Iowa for Easter, we snuck in our little weekly photo session.
It went south, fast, despite Minnie's best attempts.
So we played with our headband

ate some blocks

and moved on.
Here's to 28 weeks of fun.
April 15, 2014
baby food 101
We recently began introducing solids.
Our Knoxville pediatrician told us to hold off until 6 months and consult with our new pediatrician regarding a plan of introduction. Our Knoxville pediatricians office has a very detailed intro that included rice cereal, followed by barley, and then oatmeal.
I was a little intimidated by the process, but felt like Lauren needed something a little more added to her diet, so we introduced brown rice cereal a couple weekends ago.

We had our 6 month appointment scheduled with our new pediatrician and I felt like this introduction would not cause any issues with a plan they might have in store.
I'm glad I didn't wait, because any questions we had regarding food introduction were met with a mere "Eh, no problem", dismissive hand wave, and something about Cheerios.
We're still on the hunt for Lauren's Texas pediatrician.
After searching for barley cereal {only found in on the internet, not at Target, Buy Buy Baby, or HEB} and introducing oatmeal, we dove into vegetable territory.
Matt and I decided we were going to make Lauren's baby food and I even had a baby food maker sitting under the Christmas tree.
While doing my reading and research, I came across several references to fresh fruits and vegetables being the best for baby... which is kinda the point of this whole "home made" business.
So, determined to introduce our little darling to a nutrient rich green vegetable, I bought pea pods, came home and took peas out of
Ridiculous. I know that now.
Actually I knew that about 3 minutes in.
Honestly, it might have been 30 seconds in...
After far too much time, I came up with this.

After steamed and mixed, it filled one 2 oz container.

The next time I make peas, I am going frozen.
I learned my lesson...
As far as Lauren's thoughts on the peas...

She gags & makes a lot of faces.
So peas, may not be her thing right now...
but green beans are next.
And those were much easier to make.
Our Knoxville pediatrician told us to hold off until 6 months and consult with our new pediatrician regarding a plan of introduction. Our Knoxville pediatricians office has a very detailed intro that included rice cereal, followed by barley, and then oatmeal.
I was a little intimidated by the process, but felt like Lauren needed something a little more added to her diet, so we introduced brown rice cereal a couple weekends ago.

We had our 6 month appointment scheduled with our new pediatrician and I felt like this introduction would not cause any issues with a plan they might have in store.
I'm glad I didn't wait, because any questions we had regarding food introduction were met with a mere "Eh, no problem", dismissive hand wave, and something about Cheerios.
We're still on the hunt for Lauren's Texas pediatrician.
After searching for barley cereal {only found in on the internet, not at Target, Buy Buy Baby, or HEB} and introducing oatmeal, we dove into vegetable territory.
Matt and I decided we were going to make Lauren's baby food and I even had a baby food maker sitting under the Christmas tree.
While doing my reading and research, I came across several references to fresh fruits and vegetables being the best for baby... which is kinda the point of this whole "home made" business.
So, determined to introduce our little darling to a nutrient rich green vegetable, I bought pea pods, came home and took peas out of
Ridiculous. I know that now.
Actually I knew that about 3 minutes in.
Honestly, it might have been 30 seconds in...
After far too much time, I came up with this.

After steamed and mixed, it filled one 2 oz container.

The next time I make peas, I am going frozen.
I learned my lesson...
As far as Lauren's thoughts on the peas...

She gags & makes a lot of faces.
So peas, may not be her thing right now...
but green beans are next.
And those were much easier to make.
April 9, 2014
27 weeks

At 27 weeks, this 6 month old weighs in at 15 lbs & 11 oz and is 25.75 inches tall.
At 27 weeks, these weekly pictures are getting slightly more difficult.
They go a little something like this...

This little 27 week old is one busy little girl.
*Josie, if you're reading this...
Lauren loves that Lil Shopper grocery set, evidenced by her modeling the milk!*
April 8, 2014
our American apartamento
We've called a few places home so far this year...
... our home in Knoxville
... our apartmento in Cartagena
... and now a good 'ole American apartment located deep in the heart of Texas.
While we don't foresee calling this particular property home for the long run, it's works perfectly for us right now.*
We are located in Pearland Town Center, which is basically a shopping center and restaurants. We can walk to dinner, buy a handbag, get a haircut, and browse children's books with a latte, all while on a neighborhood stroll.
Sounds like trouble.
We also have a great walking path behind our building where Bella, Lauren and I enjoy daily walks.
Bella even gets to go 'off leash' and explore the field on her own a bit,
as long as I don't see any other dogs in the distance.
Here is our living space...

{living room}

{master bedroom}

{this picture just reminded me to add bedskirt to my shopping list}


That's it.
Our two bed, two bath, humble abode...
that could really use some curtains, needs artwork, and really just a hodgepodge of furniture & decor, from our former storage unit, put together.
By the looks of it, we've got a full house and no room for visitors.
But guess what?
Our sectional is really quite comfortable.
and if that doesn't work for you...
there is a hotel..
right. next. door.
Come visit ya'll!
*Okay, perfectly is a bold faced lie.
It's a little tight. The proof is in our full storage unit.
And with a growing babe, space is only getting tighter.
But being in a small space makes us think of creative space saving decor,
helps keep us a close family,
and best of all...
this small space is in North America.
... our home in Knoxville
... our apartmento in Cartagena
... and now a good 'ole American apartment located deep in the heart of Texas.
While we don't foresee calling this particular property home for the long run, it's works perfectly for us right now.*
We are located in Pearland Town Center, which is basically a shopping center and restaurants. We can walk to dinner, buy a handbag, get a haircut, and browse children's books with a latte, all while on a neighborhood stroll.
Sounds like trouble.
We also have a great walking path behind our building where Bella, Lauren and I enjoy daily walks.
Bella even gets to go 'off leash' and explore the field on her own a bit,
as long as I don't see any other dogs in the distance.
Here is our living space...

{living room}

{master bedroom}

{this picture just reminded me to add bedskirt to my shopping list}


That's it.
Our two bed, two bath, humble abode...
that could really use some curtains, needs artwork, and really just a hodgepodge of furniture & decor, from our former storage unit, put together.
By the looks of it, we've got a full house and no room for visitors.
But guess what?
Our sectional is really quite comfortable.
and if that doesn't work for you...
there is a hotel..
right. next. door.
Come visit ya'll!
*Okay, perfectly is a bold faced lie.
It's a little tight. The proof is in our full storage unit.
And with a growing babe, space is only getting tighter.
But being in a small space makes us think of creative space saving decor,
helps keep us a close family,
and best of all...
this small space is in North America.
April 4, 2014
five things: Lauren
As we marked a half year with our precious girl, I am in awe of how fast these past six months have gone.
I know people warn you to enjoy it, because it goes fast, but there really is no preparation for how quickly these moments pass.
I, like most moms, wonder if I'm doing enough, enjoying enough, playing enough, providing enough structure, and the list goes on.
I already have guilt about not having enough photos, enough videos, enough notes in the baby book.
So in honor of Lauren and savoring these moments I am devoting this weeks five things to Lauren and the special things we don't want to forget.
The way her nose crinkles when she smiles big.
And that gummy smile.

The songs we sing.
If she gets fussy, 'Three Little Fishes' distracts her and makes her happy.
So does 'A Bushel & A Peck'.
During diaper changes and our morning routine, we've been singing Here Comes Peter Cottontail and Wheels on the Bus.
And at night while we rock it's Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, and Moon River.

The way she looks just like her daddy when she is concentrating on something.

Getting to know her personality a bit more each day...
the way she gets excited, shakes a little bit, and opens her mouth. wide.
how she gets a little louder when she wants attention
her curious nature
and listening to her sweet sounds as she talks to herself each morning

the smell.
the soft hair.
the way her head fits perfectly on my shoulder.
the weight of her little body when she relaxes in my arms.
the knowing smile she gives us, the look of love in her eyes,

I can't get enough of her.

here's to the next six months...
I know people warn you to enjoy it, because it goes fast, but there really is no preparation for how quickly these moments pass.
I, like most moms, wonder if I'm doing enough, enjoying enough, playing enough, providing enough structure, and the list goes on.
I already have guilt about not having enough photos, enough videos, enough notes in the baby book.
So in honor of Lauren and savoring these moments I am devoting this weeks five things to Lauren and the special things we don't want to forget.
The way her nose crinkles when she smiles big.
And that gummy smile.

The songs we sing.
If she gets fussy, 'Three Little Fishes' distracts her and makes her happy.
So does 'A Bushel & A Peck'.
During diaper changes and our morning routine, we've been singing Here Comes Peter Cottontail and Wheels on the Bus.
And at night while we rock it's Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, and Moon River.

The way she looks just like her daddy when she is concentrating on something.

Getting to know her personality a bit more each day...
the way she gets excited, shakes a little bit, and opens her mouth. wide.
how she gets a little louder when she wants attention
her curious nature
and listening to her sweet sounds as she talks to herself each morning

the smell.
the soft hair.
the way her head fits perfectly on my shoulder.
the weight of her little body when she relaxes in my arms.
the knowing smile she gives us, the look of love in her eyes,

I can't get enough of her.

here's to the next six months...