May 20, 2010

Summer in SETX

It's officially summer in South East Texas... we are already battling heat (80's and 90's in May?!?) and humidity, which means to enjoy being outdoors one must:
a. be poolside
b. spend a day at the beach
c. STAY within 100 feet of air conditioning

On a walk this week we had none of the above, and Bella wasn't down with that. Matt and I decided to take a nice leisurely stroll with B at the local park. I believe the most enjoyable part for her is truly the r-i-d-e.

So our walk began like so many do... Matt took the reins and Bella walked all over the place until she found a comfortable pace.

With the heat we came prepared to keep ourselves, but more importantly our baby boxer bella hydrated.

And then.

All of a sudden.

She was done.

Just like that our dog decided she had enough of the walking and wasn't going to take part in it anymore. She took a spot on the concrete, mid walk, mid sidewalk.
(obviously I found this hi-larious)


Summer 2010 is upon us, hope yours is off to a fabulous start!

1 comment :

  1. Wally does the same exact thing when we go for a walk in the heat. He just stops and he's done. Love those pups!
