We've got a big birthday girl to celebrate,
an annual visit to the pumpkin patch,
followed by decorating and baking all things pumpkin,
right up until Halloween.

But we decided that wasn't quite enough,
so we added a few more adventures this month;
a trip to Iowa and a Bubble Run.
The girls had an amazing time in Iowa...
jumping in piles of leaves raked by Grandpa

playing with cousins and celebrating October birthdays at Aunt Shelley's

and we even spent some time in KC.
We met up with Uncle Tyler & Holly,
spent some time with the Great Grandmas,
and two of us even got to see a Chiefs victory.

Sometime over the summer, I came across some information about a local bubble run.
Lauren can't get enough of bubbles,
so I thought it might be a fun activity for the whole family.
I greatly underestimated the bubble in BubbleRun.

We may have found a new October tradition.
Speaking of tradition...
This guy won the McQuinn Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

by a landslide.