At fourteen months, LEM...
... is busy, busy, busy. I realize I have said this for the last 7 months, but she seems to get busier and busier. And at this point I realize this pattern will continue.
... still loves her Lola, playing with her dolls, reading books, playing with any toy that makes noise or music, & dancing... {to Beyonce}
... really enjoys saying 'Yeah/Yes' & nodding her head emphatically. Even when I tell her 'No'.
...still has 4 teeth {as seen above}. But is currently working on getting a front tooth through. That's been fun.
...has a best friend. Her name is Bella. They can be seen together or near each other through out the day. Especially during meal time & snack.
... loves her some blueberries, peas & carrots, veggie burgers, mac & cheese, & TexMex. She is a great eater.
... makes both her mother, her father, & herself giggle daily.
... gives the best hugs & open mouth kisses. ever.