April 25, 2016
April 22, 2016
Lauren is 2... and a half
Sometimes as I stare at Caroline, I remember being a brand new mom and wondering what it would be like when this sweet baby in front of me could speak, run around, and play.
What would her favorite color be?
Would she like to play dolls and dress up or prefer to play in the mud and throw around the ball?
Would she ever talk back??
{snicker, snicker}
I know now that those moments come sooner than you think and just like that, we have a little girl deep in the heart of being 2.

At two and a half, our little big girl...
... is sweet and kind. She likes hugs, kisses, gives out heart-melting "i love you's" without hesitation and always tells her Dad, "Happy Day, Dad!" before he leaves for work
... is a wonderful big sister. She's got a lot of love for baby Caroline and is full of kisses, hugs, Bless You's, and sister snuggles. We're in the process of working on the whole sharing thing.
... has a lot of personality. Sometimes it's a little too much... she can't quite handle it all and lays on the floor and cries. These are known as fits in our house. We're working on them. Mostly for mom's sanity. But the sweet way she apologizes for her 'big fit' does bring a smile to my face

... is still a total book worm. And I still love it. Sometimes it's the only time she is still and quiet, but I love hearing the pages of her books turn as I find her comfy cozy in the various book nooks in the house. Lauren also likes coloring, painting, and any 'project'. She likes to help mom bake and play with play-doh. She loves her dolls, who all happen to be named Caroline, hosts a mean tea party and can go from Dr. Lauren to Princess Lauren in approximately 3 seconds.
... loves playing outside. Balls, bubbles, running, picking flowers or rocks, walking to 'her' park, driving her 'truck'. Just a few of her faves.

... is a negotiator. She likes to make deals of sorts. One of my favorites, that I don't want to forget. She really likes to look at the pictures on our phones. But once she gets her hands on them, they're not always easy to get back. Which leads to the following... Mom, I look at pictures on your phone. Set the timer. 5 minutes. No fits.
... is so excited for school in the fall; A Mother's Day Out Program, 2 days a week. She constantly tells me about her lunch box and Winnie the Pooh backpack* that her 'kids' will help her put on at school.
*she doesn't have one nor do I recall ever seeing one... hoping she forgets about this come fall or we might have a big fit on our hands
... has a silly side and a sensitive side.
... still isn't potty trained.
... is becoming a bit of a daddy's girl.
... still loves her Lola.
... is kind of a whiner.
... love, love, loves her dogs. Although she is being reminded to play with them gently and not to ride Char on a daily basis.
... makes us laugh daily, even when we aren't supposed to.
Two is hard. Somedays it's really hard.
But that sweet voice, squishy hands, genuine smile, and belly laugh.
Oh, Lauren.
there's just so much to love.

What would her favorite color be?
Would she like to play dolls and dress up or prefer to play in the mud and throw around the ball?
Would she ever talk back??
{snicker, snicker}
I know now that those moments come sooner than you think and just like that, we have a little girl deep in the heart of being 2.

At two and a half, our little big girl...
... is sweet and kind. She likes hugs, kisses, gives out heart-melting "i love you's" without hesitation and always tells her Dad, "Happy Day, Dad!" before he leaves for work
... is a wonderful big sister. She's got a lot of love for baby Caroline and is full of kisses, hugs, Bless You's, and sister snuggles. We're in the process of working on the whole sharing thing.
... has a lot of personality. Sometimes it's a little too much... she can't quite handle it all and lays on the floor and cries. These are known as fits in our house. We're working on them. Mostly for mom's sanity. But the sweet way she apologizes for her 'big fit' does bring a smile to my face

... is still a total book worm. And I still love it. Sometimes it's the only time she is still and quiet, but I love hearing the pages of her books turn as I find her comfy cozy in the various book nooks in the house. Lauren also likes coloring, painting, and any 'project'. She likes to help mom bake and play with play-doh. She loves her dolls, who all happen to be named Caroline, hosts a mean tea party and can go from Dr. Lauren to Princess Lauren in approximately 3 seconds.
... loves playing outside. Balls, bubbles, running, picking flowers or rocks, walking to 'her' park, driving her 'truck'. Just a few of her faves.

... is a negotiator. She likes to make deals of sorts. One of my favorites, that I don't want to forget. She really likes to look at the pictures on our phones. But once she gets her hands on them, they're not always easy to get back. Which leads to the following... Mom, I look at pictures on your phone. Set the timer. 5 minutes. No fits.
... is so excited for school in the fall; A Mother's Day Out Program, 2 days a week. She constantly tells me about her lunch box and Winnie the Pooh backpack* that her 'kids' will help her put on at school.
*she doesn't have one nor do I recall ever seeing one... hoping she forgets about this come fall or we might have a big fit on our hands
... has a silly side and a sensitive side.
... still isn't potty trained.
... is becoming a bit of a daddy's girl.
... still loves her Lola.
... is kind of a whiner.
... love, love, loves her dogs. Although she is being reminded to play with them gently and not to ride Char on a daily basis.
... makes us laugh daily, even when we aren't supposed to.
Two is hard. Somedays it's really hard.
But that sweet voice, squishy hands, genuine smile, and belly laugh.
Oh, Lauren.
there's just so much to love.

April 21, 2016
April 4, 2016
April 1, 2016
I'm still trying to navigate the mother of two role.

It's a balancing act I haven't mastered and most likely never will.
While my intentions are to blog more often, it's one of the many things I am trying to work back into the routine, but I'm not quite there yet.
I'd like to say I'll figure it out and find a way to blog more often.
But you've heard that before.
So, for now I'll keep it on my to-do list and catch you up on what we've been up to lately...
There's been some sister bonding

and sharing of Lola.

Sweet Baby Moments

Spring afternoons spent outside

A visit from Papa & Grandma

Lauren begged us to let her sister sit in her new "truck" with her.
After she was placed in and a picture was snapped,
Lauren asked {cough cough told}
us to go sit in her castle so her and Caroline could play.
Lately I've learned how sweet this sister thing can be.