trI hope everyone had an amazing Labor Day Holiday and summer closure (that is if you live anywhere but Texas). Can't wait to share what I did for the long weekend, but first...
...some pictures of those adorable children I was describing last time.
(Thanks Betty!)
I spent the weekend up in Tennessee and had a weekend full of fun, sun, food, family, music, and the color orange. I flew solo because unfortunately Matt took a literal interpretation of the word labor and worked ALL weekend long. That's right, you can now give a very sympathetic "ohhh" for my dear husband.
But back to a more appropriate Labor day weekend...
This is where I spent a good portion of my weekend.
That's right, the office. I have been known to be a bit of a "workaholic".
Some of my "co-workers" joined me as well.
Our Captain and his first mate
It was absolutely gorgeous and so relaxing to spend the weekend on the water.
I also got to attend the season opener for the VOLS. I did a lot of singing... and was with approximately 100,000 of my closest friends from TN (including this guy).
I also got to see a few new spots in Tennessee. Both my brother and sister have found a "home" of their own and I was very impressed with their casas.
(aly's got a chalkboard wall in her apt. This is a much better way of writing messages than the interpretation we had in college...overhead markers and the fridge)
Mom and Dad also have a new home/office. It's a beautiful new building and appears to be a lovely place to work. Personally I wish I had a bright colored trendy office to come to daily...
Since they're in the pet business, my dog (and I) gets the hook up. And as usual, I truly enjoy taking a look at the merchandise.
And as for Bella, she appreciates the perks.
As you can see, I had a great time! SooOOoo great that I have spent the last few days thinking this...