July 21, 2013

a nursery project

While we've had the major components of George's nursery done for sometime, we've still got a few nursery items on the to-do list. 
This week we completed one of those projects. 

There are a few components of a travel theme in the room and Matt and I knew we wanted to have some kind of a world map.  I had several ideas including framing a world map, creating a canvas, but when I saw this chalkboard a few months ago, there was a new vision. 

I found a world map online and had it blown up. We cut out each of the continents* and then my mother's steady & crafty hand traced each of the continents with a chalk pen.
I love the way it turned out and think it completes our little reading, rocking, snuggling nook in the room. 

*Technically there are 6 continents on the map. We left out Antarctica. I assure you that when it comes to teaching my child about the world map, we will consult one that does in fact include Antarctica. 

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