At the beginning of last week a little virus came into our home and took Matt and I hostage for 24 hours.
Thankfully it didn't take Lauren.
But having a healthy toddler did make the day a little more challenging.

Remember a few posts ago, where I whined about how much more difficult this second pregnancy is.
Well, I got a little taste of what it could be like and I'll just keep my symptoms.
Halloween has been a lot of fun this year.
Lauren understands a little bit more,
is excited about pumpkin sightings,
the potential of scoring some M&M's
and her cow costume.

Last week, we attended a little Halloween party at The Little Gym.

She got a few pieces of candy, had a blast with the bubbles, and enjoyed pointing out all the Elsa's in the room.

We also attended a local Halloween in the Park event.
Lauren got a little more practice with the actual trick or treating part and really enjoyed looking through her collection of candy.

She even got to choose one piece before bed.
Lauren is a budding little artist.

She loves to color, paint, and do anything with the word 'project' attached.
While we had our first 'no coloring on the wall' conversation recently...

I love watching her creativity at work

and how proud she is when we hang it on the fridge.
Now that I don't take a monthly photo of Lauren, I also don't do a monthly update of all the little things she doing or saying.
I realized that makes me kind of sad.
So as a sort of documentation for my mama-self,
here's a few of my fave All Things Lauren right now:
* she talks. a lot. and quite well. Her phrases are getting larger and larger and her vocabulary broader and broader.
Our conversations are becoming quite entertaining.
* she calls herself, Lorno.
I love this.
"Lorno wash her hands"
"Lorno's dolly"
"Mommy, Daddy, Lorno"
Did I mention I love it?
* she loves her dollies and has been playing with them so sweetly.
Putting them to bed,
feeding them,
patting their little backs and
shhhh-ing them at the same time.
If it's any indication of the big sister she will be... this baby is a lucky one.
* she still loves books and has started to memorize her favorites.
She can pretty much rehash the story of Five Little Pumpkins
and the other day I heard her say "true love" when reading Frozen aloud.
Oh, my heart.
* Speaking of heart, she talks about Disney, a lot.
Hugging Pooh & Tigger & Belle,
Ariel at the parade,
riding the 'horsey' with Papa & 'Gamma',
Mickey singing Happy Birthday.
Matt and I are amazed at how much she remembers and love listening to her talk about it.
We held our 10th Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest.
Lauren painted her pumpkin while mom & dad carved theirs.

It's pretty obvious we don't have the time we once had to devote to this competition.
But a winner was crowned,

evening out the score at 5 wins a piece.
Good time to retire?
Maybe next year when I take another win...